I.C.P.O. Bulletin (Mar 7 - Apr 7, 2003)

Islands, Castles & Portable Operations - "I.C.P.O."
Operations are listed by start date (Day/Month/Year)
07/03/2003:  An operator is now active from USN MARS Amundsen-Scott base
(WABA K-08) located at the South Pole (AN-016). QSL via K1IED (Larry F.
Skilton, 72 Brook Street, South Windsor, CT-06074, U.S.A.) direct. [Tnx
W.A.P. News]

07/03/2003:  An operator is now active as KC4AAC from the USN MARS Palmer
Station (WABA K-10) located at Gamage Point, Anvers Island, Palmer
Archipelago (AN-012). QSL via K1IED (Larry F. Skilton, 72 Brook Street,
South Windsor, CT-06074, U.S.A.) direct. [Tnx W.A.P. News]

07/03/2003:  Operator Fabian is active as LU1ZD from the Army General San
Martin base (WABA LU-11) located on Barry Island in Marguerite Bay, along
the Fallières Coast of Graham Land (West), Antarctic Peninsula
(AN-016). QSL via LU4DXU (Horacio E. Ledo, P.O. Box 22, 1640 Martinez, BA,
Argentina). [Tnx W.A.P. News]

07/03/2003:  An operator is now active as LU1ZG from the Army General
Belgrano II base (WABA LU-08) located at Nunatak Bertrab, Vashel Bay (IOTA
AN-016). QSL via LU4DXU (Horacio E. Ledo, P.O. Box 22, 1640 Martinez, BA,
Argentina). [Tnx W.A.P. News]

08/03/2003:  Simone, IV3NVN, will leave Europe for Guinea-Bissau on March
8th. His first stop will be in the capital city of Bissau, where he will
collect his licence and will be QRV for some five days as J5UDX. Then he
will go and operate from Pecixe Island in the Guinea-Bissau Coastal Region
group (AF-new) as J5UCW. He plans to be there for about one week and to be
active mostly on 15 and 6 metres (beacon on 50.096 MHz) SSB and CW (possibly
on 12, 17, 20, 30 and 40 metres as well). Around March 20th or 21st he will
travel to Caboxanque in the southern part of the country, where he will try
to operate also on 80 and 160 metres CW and on digital modes. He will
participate in the CQ WW WPX SSB Contest as SOSB on 10 metres. On 3 April he
will be back to Bissau for another couple of days before returning home. QSL
direct to IV3NVN (Simone Candotto, P.O. Box 4, 33050 Castions di Strada -
UD, Italy). Please do not include old style IRCs and note that Simone
anticipates he will not be able to start QSLing before August. [Tnx 425DXN]

08/03/2003:  Steve, G0SGB, will be active from Kos Island, Dodecanese
Islands (EU-001), starting March 8th, for two weeks as SV5/G0SGB/p.
Operation will be on a daily morning basis, 08:00 - 11:00 UTC. He plans to
activate three of the lighthouses located on Kos, that he knows of, and
maybe more. Steve's main frequencies will be 18.154, 14.264 and 21.264 MHz.
QSL via home call, CBA. [Tnx G0SGB]

08/03/2003:  Look for UE3RDA to be active from rare Russian districts
between March 8th and 15th, for the Russian Districts Award. QSL via RW3RN -
Alex Kuznetsov, Box 57, Tambov-23, 392023 Russia ([EMAIL PROTECTED]). [Tnx RW3RN]

08/03/2003:  Nik, HB9EAA, reports that he will be active from Penrhyn, N.
Cooks (OC-082) betwen March 8th and 15th and Aitutaki, S. Cooks (OC-083)
between March 15th and 22nd. He hopes to go on the air with the callsign
ZK1EAA, mainly on the CW mode. The license with the definitive callsign will
be known after his arrival on Rarotonga. Activity will be mainly on CW on
the following suggested frequencies: 14040, 21040 and 28040 kHz (+/- QRM).
QSL via HB9EAA direct or via the bureau is OK. [Tnx OPDX]

09/03/2003:  Look for 3B8/ON4AME to be active March 9th to 22nd from
Mauritius Island (AF-049). Operation will be on all bands SSB, CW and
digital modes. QSL via operator's instructions. [Tnx 425DXN]

09/03/2003:  Csaba Gal, DH7KU (HA7XQ), will be active from Hawaii (OC-019)
as KH6/DH7KU during his spare time between March 9th and 15th. His main
purpose for being here is to install different types of equipment at Caltech
Submillimeter Observatory (CSO) at Manua Kea, but he hopes to be active in
the evenings enough to make a few contacts. He will be using a Kenwood TS-50
into a multiband dipole or a 3 band GP. QSL via home call. [Tnx OPDX]

10/03/2003:  Members of the Florida DXpedition Group (FDXPG) will be part of
a thirty member humanitarian mission team traveling to Haiti (NA-096). They
will operate from the Northwest Haiti Christian Mission (NWHCM) March 10th
to 21st. Team members are Jan-HH4/K4QD, William-HH4/N2WB, Bill-HH4/W4WX and
Al-HH4/K3VN. The team will have three stations and when not working on
mission projects they will operate on all bands 160m through 6m and all
modes including PSK-31. QSL HH4/K4QD, HH4/W4WX and HH4/K3VN via CBA. QSL
HH4/N2WB via N2OO. [Tnx K4QD]

10/03/2003:  Bill, VK4FW, reports that he will be on Fraser Island (OC-142)
to fix a communications link, around March 10th. He plans to be there for a
few days and nights. He will be busy, but if time permits Bill will be QRV
on CW. QSL direct only with greenstamp/irc to Bill Horner VK4FW, PO Box
1343, Maroochydore, 4558, Australia. [Tnx VK4FW]

11/03/2003:  Look for Christian, DL6KAC, to be active as EA6/DL6KAC from
Mallorca Island (EU-004, DIE E-021) starting March 11th until April 10th.
Activity will be on 40 through 10 meters (maybe 80m). Mainly SSB, some RTTY
and/or PSK31. Antennas: Dipoles, maybe Inverted L for 80m. Power: 350 W.
Please note that this will be a holiday style operation. QSL via DARC bureau
or direct (qrz.com). [Tnx DL6KAC]

11/03/2003:  David, KY1V, will be active as VP5/KY1V from North Caicos
Island (NA-002) between March 11th and 18th. He states, "For the hams whom
would like more than just a signal report, I will be actively pursuing
short, meaningful QSOs from Whitby, North Caicos Island." QSL via KY1V. [Tnx

12/03/2003:  Mike, DF8AN, hopes to have his old 3D2MN call renewed for his
stay in Nadi, Fiji Islands (OC-016), between March 12th and 27th. He plans
to operate mostly CW on all bands, 6 metres included. QSL via home call.
[Tnx 425DXN]

13/03/2003:  Look for Bernard, F5LBG to be active as FM/F5LBG for one month
starting March 13th from Martinique (IOTA NA-107, DIFO MN-001). Operation
will be on 80 through 6 meter CW. QSL to home call, direct with return
postage (Dauvier Bernard, 20 chemin des Mottes, F26760 Beaumont Les Valence,
France) or via REF bureau. [Tnx F5NQL]

13/03/2003:  Nigel, G3TXF, will be active as FS/G3TXF/p from Tintamarre
Island (NA-199), St. Martin, between March 13th and 18th. These are likely
to be daytime only operations from about 14 UTC to 22 UTC. QSL via G3TXF.
[Tnx 425DXN]

13/03/2003:  Valery, RD3AF, Victor, UA3AKO and Valery, RX3DU are QRV as R1FJ
until March 19th from Franz Josef Land (EU-019). Operation will be on 160
through 10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. They will participate in the
Russian DX contest. QSL via DL6ZFG. [Tnx ARRL DX News]

13/03/2003:  A team consiting of RZ0OH, UA0OO, UA0OZ and RZ0OA will be
active from the Islands of Chivyrkujsky Bay between March 13th and 17th. The
possible call sign RZ0OWI /p or /m may be used. This operation will count
for two new RRA references: Chivyrkujsky Bay Islands (Southern part) RR-2108
(New!!!) and Chivyrkujsky Bay Islands (Northen part) RR-2107 (New!!!). QSL
via operator's instructions. [Tnx WRC / RRA Bulletin]

13/03/2003:  Seiji, JH6RTO, will be active as T88FS from Palau (OC-009)
between March 13th and 17th. Operation will be 80 through 6 meter CW, SSB
and RTTY. He points out that there is wrong QSL information on the Web
clusters for both his 2001 and 2002 activities. The correct QSL route is via
JH6RTO. His address can be found on the QRZ.com Web site or use: Seiji
Fukushima, 1182-2506 Hase, Atsugi-city 243-0036 Japan. [Tnx OPDX]

14/03/2003:  G3OCA, 4F2KWT and other DU operators will be active March 14th
to 17th as 4D2C from the Cuyo Islands (OC-120). They plan to have two
stations on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres SSB and CW, maybe with some WARC
activity as well. QSL via G3OCA (except for Russian stations, whose cards
will be handled by UA4SKW). All direct cards received for the 2002
expedition were mailed by the beginning of December 2002, cards received
recently are normally sent out next day. [Tnx 425DXN]

14/03/2003:  Look for CA2WUI, XQ1ZW, XQ1IDM, CE1URH, CE1VLY, CE1RQB and
CE1FLS to be active as 3G1P from Pan de Azucar (SA-085, DICE ICE-102)
between March 14 and 17, 2003. They will operate 160 through 6 meters on
SSB, CW, PSK31, RTTY and maybe SSTV. QSL via XQ1IDM (Nicolas Herrera G.,
P.O. Box 345, Antofagasta, Chile). [Tnx 425DXN]

15/03/2003:  Pascal, F5RZJ will sign HB0/F5RZJ/p between March 15th and 16th
from Liechstenstein. Look for him both CW and SSB from 80 to 10 meters.
Pascal will run 100 watts into a HF6V antenna. QSL via home call, direct
(Pascal Sotty, F5RZJ, Grand Champ, F-71130 Chassy, France) or bureau. [Tnx

15/03/2003:  Look for Nuccio, I7YKN/p, to be active March 15th from Masseria
Fortificata Nucci di Nardò (DCI reference LE-176, for the Italian Castles
Award). Operation will be on 20 meters and start at 08:00 UTC. Masseria
Fortificata Nucci di Nardò is located in the Region of Puglia, Province of
Lecce (LE). QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [Tnx I7YKN]

15/03/2003:  Look for Franco, IK4DCS/p, to be active March 15th, starting at
08:00 UTC, from Castello di Colorno (DCI reference PR-006, for the Italian
Castles Award) and Castello di Sissa (DCI reference PR-026). Operation will
be on 40 through 10 meter SSB and CW. The Castle of Colorno and Castle of
Sissa are located in the Region of Emilia Romagna, Province of Parma (PR).
QSL via home call, direct or bureau. [Tnx IK4DCS]

15/03/2003:  Look for Giuseppe, IZ5BSB/p, to be active March 15th from Porta
del Giardino (DCI reference LU-045, for the Italian Castles Award).
Operation will be on 40 and 20 meters. Porta del Giardino is located in the
Region of Toscana, Province of Lucca (LU). QSL via home call, direct or
bureau. [Tnx IZ5BSB]

15/03/2003:  Dick, G3URA, reports he will be on 20 metres only from his
house on Crete (EU-015) as SV9/G3URA during the BARTG RTTY Spring Contest
(March 15-16). QSL via home call. [Tnx 425DXN]

15/03/2003:  Nik, HB9EAA, reports that he will be active from Aitutaki, S.
Cooks (OC-083) between March 15th and 22nd. He hopes to go on the air with
the callsign ZK1EAA, mainly on the CW mode. The license with the definitive
callsign will be known after his arrival on Rarotonga. Activity will be
mainly on CW on the following suggested frequencies: 14040, 21040 and 28040
kHz (+/- QRM). QSL via HB9EAA direct or via the bureau is OK. [Tnx OPDX]

17/03/2003:  Five German operators, Irina (DL8DYL), Reinhard (DL8YRM),
Thomas (DL5LYM), Wolfgang (DL4WG) and Ralf (DL9DRA) will be active from
Tonga (OC-049) between March 17th and April 5th. Their callsigns and
bands/modes of activity were not provided. QSL Manager is DL8YRM. QSL via
the bureau or direct. [Tnx OPDX]

18/03/2003:  Pyoungteak DX Club's members Han (DS2GOO), Son (DS3HWS), Chae
(DS5BSX) and Choi (6K2CLF) will be active as either homecall/4 and D90HE/4
from the Chuja Islands (AS-084) between March 18th and 24th. Operation will
be on 80 through 10 meter SSB and RTTY. QSL D90HE/4 via DS2GOO, others via
home call. [Tnx 425DXN]

19/03/2003:  Janusz, SP9FIH, reports that he will be active from Tonga
(OC-049) between March 19th and April 14th. He does have verbal permission
to operate, and his license will be given to him after arrival on the
island. Activity will be on 80 through 10 meters, including the WARC Bands,
on SSB. He will use 100 watts into a HF9V antenna and wire verticals. Janusz
states he plans to make 12000 to 15000 QSOs. QSL Manager will be SP9FIH:
P.O. Box 480, 44-100 Gliwice, Poland. [Tnx OPDX]

19/03/2003:  Pete (K8PT) and Craig (K3PLV) will be active as MJ/K8PT and
MJ/K3PLV, from Jersey (EU-013), between March 19th and 24th. They will be
operating SSB, CW and RTTY on all bands with concentration on the low bands,
including 160 metres. QSL via home calls either direct or through the
bureau. [Tnx 425DXN]

20/03/2003:  G3OCA, 4F2KWT and other DU operators will be active March 20th
to 26th as 4D2B from the Babuyan Islands (OC-092). They plan to have two
stations on 40, 20, 15 and 10 metres SSB and CW, maybe with some WARC
activity as well. QSL via G3OCA (except for Russian stations, whose cards
will be handled by UA4SKW). All direct cards received for the 2002
expedition were mailed by the beginning of December 2002, cards received
recently are normally sent out next day. [Tnx 425DXN]

20/03/2003:  Take, JI3DST, will be active as JI3DST/6 from Miyako Island
(AS-079, Miyako-jima Hirara-City Okinawa-ken), between March 20th (07:00
UTC) and March 23rd (00:00 UTC). Activity will be on 40, 17, 15, 12, 10 and
6 meters, SSB. Take states he will be looking for Africa and South America
stations and DX stations on 6 meters. QSL ONLY via the bureau. [Tnx OPDX]

20/03/2003:  Mariano, LU4EJ, will be active March 20th to 22nd as LU4EJ/D
from Martin Garcia Island (SA-055). Look for him around 3680, 7090, 14200,
21300, 28460 and 50110 kHz. QSL via LU4EJ, direct (Mariano Viva,
Independencia 1193, Mar del Plata 7600, Argentina) or via bureau. [Tnx

20/03/2003:  Enrique, XE1IH (ex XE1LWY), Javier, XE1KOF, Jose, XE1ZJV, Jose
Luis, XE1YJL, and Juan Jose, XE1XNH, plan to be active as XF2IH from Enmedio
Island in the Veracruz State South group (NA-???) and lighthouse (MEX-032)
between March 20th and 27th. Grid Loc: EK2bc, CQ zone 06, ITU zone 10. They
expect to operate CW (1825, 3530, 7030, 10115, 14040, 18098, 21040, 24910,
28040 and 50102 kHz) and SSB (1845, 3755, 7055, 14260, 18128, 21260, 24950,
28460, 28560 and 50145 kHz), with some PSK31. QSL via XE1IH (Enrique Garcia
Munive, P.O. Box 75-481, 07050 Mexico D.F., Mexico). [Tnx 425DXN]

21/03/2003:  Henry (HR2HM), Eduardo (HR2EMC), Cesar (HR2CPS), Carlos
(HR2CSB), Byron (HR5LBR), Rene (HR5RJC) and Manuel (HR5MJC) will be active
as HQ8V from Cayos Vivorillos (Gracias a Dios Department group, NA-???) from
around 22:00 UTC March 21st through around 12:00 UTC March 24th. They will
operate mainly on 40, 20, and 15 metres SSB. QSL via HR2CPS (Cesar Pio
Santos Andino, P.O. Box 747, 21105 San Pedro Sula, Cortes, Honduras). [Tnx

21/03/2003:  Look for members of the Kitagawa ARC to be signing JH1ZHU/1 or
homecall/1 from Izu Island (AS-008) between March 21st and 23rd. Operation
will be on 80 through 6 meter SSB and CW. QSL via JH1ZHU and QSL others via
their respective home calls, direct or JARL bureau. [Tnx JI6KVR]

23/03/2003:  Sigi, DL7DF, will be on holiday from Trinidad & Tobago as
9Y4/DL7DF between March 23rd and April 10th. Activity will be on all bands
CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and SSTV using a transceiver with a linear. [Tnx OPDX]

24/03/2003:  Look for Diego, LU8ADX, to be active from the Galapagos Islands
(SA-004) as HC8/LU8ADX between March 24th and 31st. Operation will mainly be
SSB and RTTY. QSL via home call, CBA. [Tnx LU8ADX]

24/03/2003:  Look for Holger (DL7IO), Birgit (DL7IQ) and Cisco (YS1CF) to be
active from various mountains, lakes, beaches, and ruins of El Salvador
between March 24th and April 15th. They have been assigned the special call
HU1M. Operation will be on all bands 80 through 10 meter SSB, SSTV, RTTY and
CW. Meanguera Island (NA-190), in the Fonseca Gulf, will ba activated by the
team on and around March 29th and 30th. They also plan an entry in the
WPX-SSB Contest from the coast of the Pacific Ocean in the San Diego Beach,
situated in "La Libertad" El Salvador. There is also the possibility of
activating Amapala Island, Honduras, but they are still waiting for the
Honduras call (HQ4??). QSL via YS1CF, CBA. [Tnx YS1CF and DE0MST]

24/03/2003:  Ronald PA3EWP, Dick PA3FQA and Rob PA5ET, all members of the
Low Land DX-pedition Team, will activate the Faroe Islands (EU-018) on all
HF bands 10-160 meter CW, SSB, RTTY, PSK31 and some SSTV. They will have 2x
FT1000Mp's around the clock with 2 Alpha Amplifiers and will use 2 quads for
10 through 30 meters, a vertical for 40 meters and the Titanex V80e and
V160e for 80 and 160 meter. The callsigns will be: OY7ET (op: PA5ET), OY7QA
(op: PA3FQA), OY7TW (op: GM4FDM), OY7WB (op: AK0A) and OY7WP (op: PA3EWP).
The call OY8PA will be used for 80 and 160 meters, digital modes and the WPX
Contest. All QSL's will be handled by the LLDXT QSL Manager PA5ET: Rob
Snieder, Van Leeuwenstraat 137, 2273 VS Voorburg, The Netherlands. The
activity will take place between 24 March and 3 April 2003. It is not likely
they will have on-line logs unless it is easy to get an Internet account.
[Tnx PA5ET]

26/03/2003:  Brian, N6IZ, will be active as 3D2IZ from the Island of Namotu
(IOTA OC-121), Fiji, between March 26th and April 6th. Activity will be
80-10 meters, primarily on CW. QSL to home callsign. [Tnx OPDX]

26/03/2003:  Look for 3D2LB to be active from Fiji (OC-016) between March
26th and 30th. QSL via GM3VLB. [Tnx OPDX]

26/03/2003:  The Takabonerate DXPedition 2003 Team Members will be active
from Latondu Island, Takabonerate (OC-242), South Sulawesi, Indonesia
bewteen March 26th and 31st. The callsign will be YE8A, and the QSL Manager
is YB8BRI (Prof. DR. Ir. H. M. Ramli Rahim, M.Eng, PO. Box 88 TB, Makassar,
South Sulawesi 90233, Indonesia). The operators: YB8CR, YB8BHV, YB0KLI,
YC8CPV, YB0DPO, YB8HZ, YB8HGM, YB0ECT, YB0LBK, YB0AI. They have planned to
work all HF bands (that is 80-10m, SSB, CW, SSTV, RTTY, PSK31, AO-40 Sat).
They will also participate in the WPX SSB Contest. [Takabonerate DXPedition

27/03/2003:  Mike/WA2VQW and Rob/WB2NVR, members of the W2RZS Radio Club,
will be active from the Providenciales (NA-002) during the CQ WPX SSB
Contest as VP5RZS (contest callsign), and will be active before and after
the contest as VP5/W2RZS and VP5/homecalls. They are scheduled to be there
from March 27th untill April 1st. They expect to be active on 160-10 meters
and possibly on 6 meters as well. There will be WARC band activity before
and after the contest. QSL via their home callsigns through the bureau or
direct. All cards will be answered in the manner in which they are received.
Please remember to use SASE, etc....if sending direct. WB2NVR collects
stamps, so overseas direct mail bearing postage stamps will be an added plus
for him. [Tnx OPDX]

27/03/2003:  Ray, WQ7R, reports that he will be active as HQ9R from Roatan
Island (NA-057) during the CQWW WPX SSB Contest (March 29-30) as a
Single-Op/All Band/Low Power entry. He expects to be on the air March 27th,
probably on SSB testing the antennas and rig. Again on the 28th, he will be
on SSB and CW, and on the 29th and 30th, he will be devoted to the contest.
After the contest, Ray will be on and very active until April 4th. As
mentioned, his contest callsign will be HQ9R, however before and after the
contest, he will sign WQ7R/HR9. All QSLs should go to his good friend Dick
Wolf, N6FF. [Tnx OPDX]

27/03/2003:  Luc (PY8AZT), Carl (PY8MD), Phil (PT8PS) and Adonay (PT8DX),
from the Uirapuru DX Club will be active on SSB and CW as ZY8C from Caviana
Island (SA-042) between March 27th and April 3rd. They plan to have three
stations with amplifiers, beams, verticals and dipoles. The team will also
participate in the CQ WPX SSB Contest (March 29-30) as a M/S entry. [Tnx

28/03/2003:  Look for Harry, AC8G, to be active in the CQWW WPX-SSB Contest
(March 29-30) as a Single-Op entry from Grenada (NA-024). He has applied for
a special callsign, possibly J37K or J3**. Activity outside of the contest
will be between March 28th and 31st, 15:00-23:00 UTC, on 20/15/10 meters
SSB. He will consider requests for 12/17 meters. QSL via AC8G. [Tnx OPDX]

04/04/2003:  Members of the Korea AnSung DX Club will be active as D70HL/2
from Chebu Island (AS-105) between April 4th and 6th. Operation will be on
all bands 80 through 10 meter CW, SSB and RTTY, including WARC and 2 meters.
QSL via D70HL, direct (SAE + postage to: Anseong Dx Club, PO Box 22,
Anseong, Kyeonggi 456-600, South Korea) or bureau. [Tnx JI6KVR]

04/04/2003:  Several members of the Magnolia DX Association (www.mdxa.org)
will be QRV from Cat Island, Mississippi (IOTA NA-082, USI MS-002S, Harrison
County) from April 4th to 6th, 2003. Cat Island is a barrier island located
about 6 miles south of Gulfport, MS in the Mississippi Sound. They will be
active on 80 through 10 meters (including WARC), on CW and SSB using special
event callsign K5C from multiple stations. Team organizers are Bill (K5YG),
Glenn (K2FF), Darryl (KD5CQT), and Randy (W5UE). QSL via K2FF, direct or
bureau. [tnx W5UE]

04/04/2003:  Dennis, ZS4BS, reports, "A DXpedition to Robben Island (AF-064)
is on the books." Robben Island is listed amongst the top 500 most wanted
IOTA groups in the latest IOTA Directory. There have been several fairly
low-key operations in recent years, mainly on SSB only. The team, consisting
of Phil/G3SWH, David/G3UNA, Vidi/ZS1EL, Kosie/ZS1SR, Malcolm/ZS1MC,
Andrew/ZS1AN and Hester/ZS1ESU, has been allocated the special callsign
ZS1RBN. The team plans to activate the island between April 4th to 7th, and,
propagation permitting, have two stations on the air on a 24 hours a day
basis. One station will operate SSB and one will operate CW on all bands
40-10 meters. QSLs will be handled by G3SWH, either direct to his CBA with
SAE and return postage or via the RSGB bureau. [Tnx OPDX]

05/04/2003:  Look for Ela, OZ/DL3YMK, and Torsten, OZ/DH3YMG, to be active
from Vendsyssel-Thy / Nordjylland Island (IOTA EU-171, DIA NJ-001 for the
Danish Islands Award) between April 5th and 17th. Operation will be on 40,
20 and 15 meters. QSL via home calls, direct or bureau. [Tnx DH3YMG]

05/04/2003:  Rodger, GM3JOB, and Willie, GM4ZNC, will be active again as
VP5/homecalls from North Caicos (NA-002) between April 5th and 19th. They
plan to be QRV on most bands SSB and CW. QSL via home calls, either direct
or through the bureau. [Tnx 425DXN]

06/04/2003:  Frank, DL4KQ, reports that in the time window of April 6th to
April 12th there will be the chance of a AS-NEW in the never activated
Yangon/Irrawaddy/Pegu Group, Myanmar. The exact dates are still unknown and
depending on the local situation, same for the island as there will be 3
possible targets. But all will be close to Chaungtha in the northwestern
part of Myanmar. Same situation for the used callsign, he will have free
choice, but an additional operator may still join the activation and he
wants to wait until confirmation before choosing a call sign. Activation is
planned as a 3-4 day operation on 80 through 10 meter CW and SSB using 400 W
RF, a G5RV and a vertical. QSL route is via DL4KQ, either direct or bureau.
[Tnx DL4KQ]

07/04/2003:  Jean Marc, F5SGI, will be on Groix Island (IOTA EU048, DIFM
AT012) from April 7th to 12th, using CW with the special callsign TM6ILE
from 80 to 10 meters. Jean Marc may be QRV in SSB on April 12th in the
morning, from the Fort du Grognon, which count for the French Forts and
Castles award program as DFCF 56002. QSL via F5SGI [Tnx F5NQL]

07/04/2003:  Steve, VK3OT (ex-VE3SIX), reports that he will be active from
Christmas Island (OC-002) as VK9XI between April 7th and 21st. The VK9XI
licence will be granted on February 10th, and it will be the first time that
this callsign has been used on 6 meters since February 28, 1980. Activity
will be on 160-6 meters using an Icom 706, Kenwood TS690SAT and Yaesu FT650.
The antennas will be a 5 element M2 for 6m, Mosley Tri-bander for HF, Hidaka
Vertical for 80/40/30 meters and a Sloper for 160 meters. Look for him
mainly on 50.115 MHz between 1000-1500z and at 2400z. Steve will listen to
28.885 MHZ during all daylight hours (if propagation exisits or 21.205 MHz).
He will also be active on the Lower Bands; 2300z (sunrise) and 1000z
(sunset). Pilot stations announced so far are VK2QF and VK3AKK. QSL via
VK3OT (Direct ONLY) to: Steve Gregory, Post Office Box 622 Hamilton,
Victoria 3300, Australia. [Tnx OPDX]

19/04/2003:  John, F5VHQ (ex OE5TGL), will be active as 6W/F5VHQ from Saint
Louis du Senegal on 40 through 10 meter SSB between April 19th and May 1st.
QSL via F5VHQ, direct (SAE + postage, please) or via REF bureau. [Tnx F5NQL]

19/04/2003:  Operators Claus (DF8QJ), Marvin (DL2VB), Mike (DK6QW), DG1YTF
and Reinhard (DL6YFB) will be active from the Aland Islands (EU-002) as
OH0/homecall bewteen April 19th and 25th. Activity will be on 80 through 2
meters, including the WARC bands on CW/SSB/RTTY. QSL via their home calls.
[Tnx OPDX]

19/04/2003:  Look for the Mississauga ARC, VE3MIS, to be active during the
Ontario QSO Party (April 19-20) from Manitoulin Island (CISA ON-001, for the
Canadian Islands Award). Requests for QSL cards to MARC, c/o Michael
Brickell, VE3TKI, 2801 Bucklepost Crescent, Mississauga, ON  L5N 1X6
Canada, with an SASE / SAE + postage. [Tks VE3AGC]

24/07/2003:  Look for Feco, 9A/HA8KW, to be active from Prvic Island,
Sibenik Group (IOTA EU-170, IOCA CI-094), between July 24th and 31st,
including an entry in the IOTA Contest. QSL via home call, direct or bureau.
[Tnx DE0MST]

26/07/2003:  Look for DF3UFW/p to be active from Ummanz Island (IOTA EU-057,
GIA O-006) between July 26th and August 9th, IOTA Contest included. QSL to
home call via the bureau. [Tnx NG3K]

30/04/2003:  The Nanaimo Amateur Radio Association is celebrating its 55th
Anniversary in Canadian Amateur Radio Service under the call sign VE7NA.
Look for them to be active April 30th on all HF bands, using CW, SSB, and
all digital modes. For all confirmed contacts there will be a special event
certificate, or QSL card, sent upon request. QSL via Dick, VE7RLH. [Tnx

01/07/2003:  Thanks to the generous financial support of the Signallers Club
of Canada, Industry Canada has authorized the use of a special event prefix
to celebrate the 100th Anniversary of Military Communications in Canada.
Industry Canada's letter of January 28, 2003, file # 6202-2, authorizes the
use of a special call sign prefix for all Canadian Amateurs during the
period of July 1, 2003, to August 31, 2003. The special prefixes will be XM
for all VE's, XL for all VA's, XN for all VO's and XO for all VY's. For more
information pertaining to the other celebrations planned for the 100th
anniversary, visit the webpage at http://www.commelec.2003.ca . [Tnx VA3TRM]
14-15 March:  Río Negro LH (ARG-012) Radio Club La Matanza L30EY and LU3EY,
QRZ.com - SASE [Tnx LU7CC]

20-23 March:  Martín García LH (ARG-045), IOTA SA-055, by LU4EJ Mariano.
QRZ.com [Tnx LU7CC]

5 April (start 03:00 hs. UTC):  Punta Hermengo LH (ARG-075), by LU7DZL/D,
Radio Club Miramar. P.O.Box 102, 7607 Miramar (self addressed envelope + 1
IRC). [Tnx LU7CC]

3 May (03:00 hs. UTC):  Miramar LH (ARG-047), LU7DZL/D, Radio Club Miramar.
P.O.Box 102, 7607 Miramar (self addressed envelope + 1 IRC). [Tnx LU7CC]
World Lighthouse Award List Deletion -
Date: Sun, 9 Mar 2003
From: "World Lighthouse Award" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
WLH HQ has deleted the LH 1747 (W8) from WLH List.
This LH is not good for WLH Award.
73's - WLH HQ
73 and Good Hunting!
Dave Raycroft - VA3RJ
Home of ICPO: http://www.qsl.net/va3rj/
Mirror: http://webhome.idirect.com/~va3rj/
Join ICPO e-Group: http://www.qsl.net/va3rj/icpo.html

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