I.C.P.O. (Islands, Castles & Portable Operations)

12/21/2002:  The local Ham Club Osterlen Sandaramatorer will operate the
special event callsign 7S7SAN for the Lighthouse Christmas Lights Event from
Sandhammaren lighthouse (SWE-055). They will be operating in periods of a
few hours now and then until January 5, 2003. Look for them on SSB: 3770,
7070, 14.270, 21.370, 28.370 (+/- QRM) and PSK31: 14070, 21080, 28120 kHz.
QSL via the bureau. [tnx SK7MQ]

12/21/2002:  Warren, WM2Z, will activate the following lighthouses on
Eastern Long Island (NA-026), New York during the Lighthouse Christmas
Lights event (December 21/02 - January 5/03): Horton Point Lighthouse
(USA-387, Suffolk county), Long Beach Bar (Bug) Lighthouse (WLHA LH-2151,
USA-448, Suffolk county), Orient Point Lighthouse (WLHA LH-0205, USA-663,
Suffolk county) and Plum Island Lighthouse (WLHA LH-1401, USA-606 Suffolk
county). Activity will be intermittent during daylight hours only and on the
usual ARLHS frequencies in the 40 through 10 meter bands, but 20 meters will
be the primary band. QSL direct to WM2Z, with SASE, for QSL card with color
photo of respective lighthouse(s). [tnx WM2Z]

12/23/2002:  Robert, W4RL, reports that he will be activating the Pensacola
lighthouse (USA-592) and Pensacola Bar Beacon (USA-593) probably on December
23rd. He plans to operate from Fort Pickens, the Civil War fort, located on
the western end of Santa Rosa Island (NA-142, USI FL-003S, Escambia county).
This site is directly across the Pensacola Florida entrance pass from the
Pensacola Lighthouse and the site of the Pensacola Bar Beacon about one mile
distance. He will be using a SGC 2020 transceiver on battery and solar power
and have antennas for 40 through 10 - Ourbacker vertical and 40 meter
dipole. Look for him around the suggested ARLHS LCL frequencies. QSL via
home call, direct or bureau. [tnx W4RL]

12/24/2002:  Brian, K9WIS, plans to activate Milwaukee Pierhead Lighthouse
(USA-498, Milwaukee county) December 24th between 17:00 and 18:00 UTC.
Operation will be on 20 meter SSB. [tnx K9WIS]


The "10 Years Of 9A Award" you can conquer if you take part in the "9A - CW
Contest" on 21/22 Dec. (from 14.00.UT 21.Dec. to 14.00 UT 22. Dec.) and work
off min. 10 (DX 5) 9A stations. Send demand (mark "Only CW") + list of
worked 9A stations + 5 USD or 5 EUR (cash please) to (the best after 01.
Jan. 03.):
Hrvatski Radioamaterski Savez
("10 Years Of 9A Award")
P.O. Box 149
10000 Zagreb

73 and Good Hunting!
Dave Raycroft - VA3RJ
Web: http://www.qsl.net/va3rj/
Mirror: http://webhome.idirect.com/~va3rj/

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