It's nice to see a voice of reason amongst the tirade of personal abuse - Tnx N8NGA.  I agree with all that you said.
Just to let you all know - where I work we have English, Welsh, Scots, Germans, Irish, Swedes, Indians, Greeks, Australians, Americans, South Africans, Pakistanis, Omanis and one guy from Cameroon.  We have Christians, Moslems, Hindus, Sihks, Jews, Bhuddhists and who knows what else.  At 11am yesterday we ALL stood with heads bowed in three minutes' silence to honour the European day of mourning.
To those in the USA - we're thinking of you.
Dave G0OIL
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, September 14, 2001 11:32 PM
Subject: Re: [DXR] An Open Letter to NJDXA

I'm going to go out on a limb here.  Lets start with things I'm sure we all agree with......
The post upset me, appalled me, angered me.  
The comment about Bush was personal and inappropriate.
BUT -- let's remember some things.
The people on this list come from many, many countries -- not all of which think the USA is a wonderful country.
Rags or whatever his name is, tried to point out that people in other countries may see the US in an entirely different way, and may have reasonable reasons for feeling the way they do.
Even if we disagree with him (which I most certainly do), he has a right to say what he feels.  If you take the time to re-read what he wrote and take away his rudeness..............there are some points he makes that are worth thinking about.
Lastly, why kick him off the list just because he has a different point of view?  Are we so afraid of his thoughts that we must banish him?  Did anything he said change who we are as Americans??  Threaten our self esteem ?? 
One of the things that makes this country what it is -- is the ability to tolerate different points of view.  To allow diversity of thought.  Let's practice what we preach.  While I disagree strongly on many of his points, some were valid.  I will chastise him severely for the way his message was delivered......but I feel I must defend his right to say what he felt.  This list DOES NOT have a membership requirement that says "I shall love the US and never say a word against it".
Now lets forget Rags...........and move on.  Lets continue to share our hobby, and for many of us.........get on with re-building the losses we've suffered this past week.

73 from....
Bob Otto
Cincinnati, Ohio
7:18:42 PM
DXCC 10M ** WAC 10M ** WAS 10M
There is a very fine line between
When trouble arises and things look really bad,
there is always one individual who perceives a
solution and is willing to take command.
Very often this person is crazy!

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