-----Original Message-----

 sent you an article from The
>Washington Times.
>Thought you might be interested in this if you did not know
>about it.  Henry n4uh
>Bill Gertz
>A Philippine government spokesman said yesterday that
>Chinese warship deployments to disputed Spratlys islands are
>a "major development" that could prompt diplomatic protests
>to Beijing.
>Rigoberto Tiglao, a spokesman for Philippine President
>Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo, said the Chinese ship deployments,
>if confirmed, represent "a major disturbance to the implicit
>agreement that we maintain, that we don't disturb the status
>quo of the Spratlys."
>The spokesman was commenting on an article in yesterday's
>editions of The Washington Times that said U.S. intelligence
>reports showed China was stepping up warship deployments in
>the Spratlys.
>Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, California Republican, said the
>Chinese movement of ships to the Spratlys is "an example of
>Chinese military adventurism off the Philippine coast."
>"This is more than disturbing," he said. "This is alarming."
>State Department spokesman Philip Reeker declined to
>comment, but he reiterated the department's position on the
>Spratlys that "all claimants to [the islands] should
>exercise restraint."
>A dozen Chinese warships recently transited waters close to
>the Spratlys, according to intelligence reports. They also
>disclosed the first major Chinese naval deployments to
>Scarborough Reef, where two of the Chinese warships were
>U.S. intelligence officials said a Chinese Foreign Ministry
>official in April promised that China would not seek to
>establish a military presence near the reef. However, in May
>the two Chinese warships and a vessel suspected of
>intelligence gathering were deployed to Scarborough Reef,
>and Chinese navy helicopters flew over the reef.
>Mr. Tiglao would not say if Manila planned to issue a formal
>protest over the incursion, saying that the reports needed
>to be verified first.
>Meanwhile, Chang Chun-hsiung, prime minister of the Republic
>of China (Taiwan), said in Taipei that disputes regarding
>the South China Sea should be settled peacefully. "We have
>been promoting peace in the South China Sea," Mr. Chang said
>of a recent trip to Tungsha Island, about 100 miles north of
>the disputed Spratly islands group.
>Mr. Chang said nations in the region should approach their
>differences according to the principles of "peaceful
>settlement, joint exploration and sharing of resources."
>Taiwan occupies Taiping island, the largest of the Spratlys.
>The Spratlys are claimed in whole or part by Taiwan, the
>Philippines, China, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei.
>Mr. Chang noted that lingering tensions in the region could
>become a flash point.
>"We know the South China Sea issues are ever-changing and
>complicated. Training must be beefed up to safeguard the
>sovereignty and territory," he said.
>. This article is based in part on wire service reports.
>This article was mailed from The Washington Times
>For more great articles, visit us at
>Copyright (c) 2001 News World Communications, Inc. All
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