Good evening, all:

I have run into a problem with DX4WIN and interfacing correctly 
with DX nodes.  It is not particularly straightforward, but I will 
try to explain it clearly and as succinctly as possible.

In a nutshell, the problem is that I am not getting DX spots as 
they become available on the node.  I do receive announcements, 
time hacks (when there have been no dx spots for 9 minutes), and 
talk messages (whether to me or to others).

I use the macros in the "packet window" of DX4WIN, as shown below:

1.  SH/DX|SH/DX/10%M   (obviously, to show DX spots)

2.  NA Only|set/filter doc/pass k,ve1,ve2,ve3,co,vp9,c6 %M (to 
filter out spots on all bands from other than the countries with 
the listed prefixes)

3.  NE Only|set/filter dos/pass 
me,nh,vt,ma,ri,ny,pa,nj,md,de,va,wv,nc %M (to filter spots from 
other places than the states shown in the US)

4.  160 Only| set/filter dxbm/pass 160%M (to filter out spots 
other than on 160 during 160M contests)

5.  FLTS OFF| set/filter doc/off %M (to turn off all country 

6.  WWV|SH/Wwv/2%M (to show the last two WWV reports)

7.  K1KO|K1KO%M (to "connect" with the various nodes).

I realize that everyone reading this understands what these macros 
will do, but I wanted to show clearly the format I have put them 
in.  I'm pretty certain they're correct, but if you see a problem 
with any or all of them, please let me know -- that could easily 
be the progenitor of all the other problems.

Those problems include the following:

1. If I have all filters turned off or have just the 160M filter 
or just the NE filter on, when I send the show/dx/10 macro (or 
type it in), I get an error message from the node.  It flatly will 
NOT send the dx spots in response to the command.  Neither do I 
get any DX spots as they are spotted.  I will, however, get the 
"keep the circuit open" time hack after nine minutes have passed.

2.  If I have the NA filter only turned on, the sh/dx macro will 
allow the node to send me the ten dx spots, as you would expect, 
but I still do not get the spots as they are spotted.

3.  The sh/wwv/2 macro always works correctly, regardless of the 
settings of any or all of the filters.

Clearly something is amiss.  I occasionally had these problems 
prior to installing the newest DX4WIN update, so I doubt that it 
is the issue.  This same thing happens regardless of which node I 
connect to.  I have removed and reinstalled the macros two or 
three times without any affect.  I have uninstalled and then 
reinstalled DX4WIN once, again without affect.  I have run to 
ground everything I can think of which may be causing these 
problems and so far, as Dizzy Dean said, I should have stood in 

Please help.  Any ideas will be gratefully accepted and acted on. 
This has reached the point that I am significantly frustrated and 
close to being angry, which means it's REALLY getting in the way 
of having fun chasing DX; that is, to me at least it's a VERY 
SERIOUS problem that is driving me nuts (however short a trip that 
drive may be!!).

Thanks, in advance for your assistance (and just for reading my 
ranting...if you've gotten this far, that is!).


Karl, K1KO 

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