For RTTY contesting I use N1MM and the MMTTY engine. I operate in AFSK mode
via my sound card interface and everything works great. I have a Mark V
dedicated to RTTY so everything stays connected all the time on that radio.
These statements are simply to acknowledge that I've got RTTY going and I
have experience with the program -- so no problems with the basic setup.

However -- I've just upgraded DX4WIN from v6.02 to v7.01 because it supports
RTTY with the MMTTY engine. I'm excited to be able to do everyday RTTY work
using DX4WIN, but it appears that I need a little help to get the program
going properly. Could someone who has RTTY running successful in DX4WIN
v7.01 please reply to the following questions. 
1. Where do I tell DX4WIN that I'm keying RTTY via a soundcard interface?
2. Where do I see the "special keys for RTTY" referred to in the QSO tab of
the log entry window?
3. Where do I see or find the F1... Fx macro keys referred to in the Edit
Function Keys portion of the help file?
4. Does making changes to any of the MMTTY parameters for use within DX4WIN
affect MMTTY for use with other programs that also utilize the engine, i.e.
5. Do you have a cheat sheet for RTTY setup information for use within
I will certainly appreciate any offers of assistance.   

73 de Paul, VE7BZ
StoneyGround Station
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Mon Mar 13 10:10:37 2006
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Mon Mar 13 10:12:48 2006
Subject: [Dx4win] RTTY setup information for v7.01

--- "Paul B. Peters, VE7BZ" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 1. Where do I tell DX4WIN that I'm keying RTTY via a soundcard interface?

Preferences, RTTY tab.  Put the full path to MMTTY.EXE in the last line of the
window and save.

Then in your QSO window, use Window -> MMTTY to bring up the RTTY window with
MMTTY interface.

> 2. Where do I see the "special keys for RTTY" referred to in the QSO tab of
> the log entry window?

See #1 above.

> 3. Where do I see or find the F1... Fx macro keys referred to in the Edit
> Function Keys portion of the help file?

See #1 above.

> 4. Does making changes to any of the MMTTY parameters for use within DX4WIN
> affect MMTTY for use with other programs that also utilize the engine, i.e.
> N1MM?

DX4WIN does not change any of the MMTTY parameters itself.  It's all done
through the mini MMTTY control window.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Mon Mar 13 15:25:58 2006
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Jim Reisert AD1C)
Date: Mon Mar 13 15:28:14 2006
Subject: [Dx4win] How much QSL manager data is useful?

Hi Folks,

Before I started working on the DX4WIN QSL manager database, there were about
6,600 records.  Today it's getting close to 30,000 records.

Some people sent me their DX4WIN.CTY files so I could merge the data into the
master file.  Some of them had over 100,000 QSL manager records.  I assume they
loaded one of the databases like ON6DP or OZ7C (I think there was an Italian
one floating around as well).  I threw these records out.  I tend not to trust
the BIG databases because they tend to have a high error rate (on the order of

I just did a little experiment with the ON6DP database:

In my log of over 70,000 QSOs (going back to 1975), about 1/2 the DX (non-USA)
QSOs (not calls) do not have QSL managers listed.  If I remove the calls
unlikely to have managers (i.e. fixed stations like G3, OH2, SM5, etc.), this
reduces to 7,760 QSOs with possible unknown managers.  I then assigned QSL
managers from the ON6DP database, and found that 2,500 QSOs had managers listed
that are NOT listed in the DX4WIN QSL manager database.

What does all this mean?  Based on my log alone, the database needs to grow
another 10% in order to assign missing QSL managers to my log.

Where is all this leading:

- Do you want a large QSL manager database in DX4WIN or a smaller one?

- Is quality or quantity more important?  If you're unsure if the route is
good, you could always look it up somewhere else?

- Do you want only recent managers (i.e. going back to the last 10 years), or
something that goes back 20 or 30 years or even more?

- Do you not even care, because you use the GOLIST or QRZ.COM or another means
for finding QSL manager information?

Just some things to think about.

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Mon Mar 13 18:03:34 2006
Date: Mon Mar 13 19:10:26 2006
Subject: [Dx4win] How much QSL manager data is useful?

On Mon, 13 Mar 2006 12:25:58 -0800 (PST), Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
>?- Do you want a large QSL manager database in DX4WIN or a smaller

I want an accurate one - size doesn't matter, really.

>?- Is quality or quantity more important? ?If you're unsure if the
>?route is good, you could always look it up somewhere else?

Quality, definitely. I personally NEVER depend on DX4Win, the 425 guys, or any 
one single source as a definitive datapoint.  If it's not backed up by others 
who are saying the same thing, then I save my money. That happens very 
infrequently, though.

>?- Do you want only recent managers (i.e. going back to the last 10
>?years), or something that goes back 20 or 30 years or even more?

If I haven't been successful in getting a QSL in 10 years, I don't think my 
chances are good no matter what you do with the manager list.

>?- Do you not even care, because you use the GOLIST or QRZ.COM or
>?another means for finding QSL manager information?

Well, to some extent I do care - I'm not at the top of the Honor Roll, so I'm 
still workin' 'em as I can. But for practical matters, there are several 
different sources that seem to have reliable information - DX4Win's list is 
just one of 'em, and IMHO if it's too much to keep up with, then I think we 
could probably survive if it's dropped.

We do appreciate your time and effort in keeping these files, Jim, even if we 
may forget to say so enough.

73 Wayne N5WD
   R. Wayne Day    N5WD    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Fort Worth, Texas  USA
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Mon Mar 13 19:40:26 2006
Date: Mon Mar 13 19:42:48 2006
Subject: [Dx4win] How much QSL manager data is useful?
References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

- Do you want a large QSL manager database in DX4WIN or a smaller one?

Makes no difference as size is not relevent for me in todays large HD 
capacities and computer speeds.

- Is quality or quantity more important?  If you're unsure if the route is 
good, you could always look it up somewhere else?

Absolutely quality.  Doesn't much matter if you have 10K managers if only 
half are right anyways.

- Do you want only recent managers (i.e. going back to the last 10 years), 
or something that goes back 20 or 30 years or even more?

I agree with an earlier comment, after 10 years I doubt I will get  card 
anymore anyway and probably don't remeber it either.

- Do you not even care, because you use the GOLIST or QRZ.COM or another 
means for finding QSL manager information?

I care in that it's one more source to verify correctness of the route...

My 2 cents worth...

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