--- Vanderydt Theo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Where do i find my IOTA Database file?
> It is not in the save directory nor the DX4Win directory.
> What extension does it use?
> Yes everything works fine, its just that i can not find this f file.

It's part of the DX4WIN.CTY file

You can export it by Files -> Databases -> IOTA -> Write to File

73 - Jim AD1C

Jim Reisert AD1C, 7 Charlemont Court, North Chelmsford, MA 01863
USA +978-251-9933, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, http://www.ad1c.us
From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Tue Jun 28 23:54:07 2005
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Duane A Calvin)
Date: Wed Jun 29 00:05:01 2005
Subject: [Dx4win] RTTY as PACK, and Buxkmaster (again)

Two questions that I know I have seen answered, but cannot find them in
archives or the "Help" files.  You help is greatly appreciated:

1.  Just got on with RTTY tonight and found that even tho I merged my
6.04 settings, a number of them don't make it across to 7.01.  For
example, where is the setting that tells DX4WIN that my Orion running in
FSK mode is RTTY, not PACTOR??  I had to set this once in 6.03 or 6.04,
but now I can't find the setting in the .INI file, the Preferences, or
???  Help!

2.  Setting the directory for Buckmaster (I asked this a few weeks ago,
but now can't find the answer again) . . . I have it set to C:\ham0 but
no dice.  I keep getting the Buckmaster Error: -2   I tried C:\ham0\
also, but neither works.  (Tried hamO and ham0, no joy on either.)

Thanks in advance.  These should not be so hard to find, but then again,
the best place to hide something from me is right in front of my eyes!

        73,  Duane

Duane Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas

From [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Wed Jun 29 20:51:57 2005
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (Duane A Calvin)
Date: Wed Jun 29 21:04:42 2005
Subject: [Dx4win] Buckmaster callbook "directory"

In answer to the first question I asked earlier, in order to get
Buckmaster callbook data to work correctly in DX4WIN, you MUST set the
directory (Preferences -> Ext Data) as exactly:   c\:  
Do not use the actual directory name as it will fail.  This is different
from the RAC where you actually put the directory path in the field. 
Steve had answered my question the last time, so now it's on the
reflector in case someone else has the same problem.
        73,  Duane
Duane Calvin, AC5AA
Austin, Texas


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