I have again updated the DX4WIN.tcp file, which contains all the Telnet =
connection choices. There have been many changes in addresses as well as =
many new connection choices. All currently working published and known =
worldwide telnet connections are included in this new updated file. All =
connections have been personally tested to be working. Old non-working =
node listings have been removed. An enhancement also now shows the =
location of each node next to the node callsign. The file is available =
to anyone who wants it by e-mail request. I will reply and include it as =
an attachment. Once you have it, all you need to do is drag it to your =
"C:\ Program Files \ DX4W5_ _ \ SAVE"  directory and overwrite your =
existing file. If you prefer to save your existing DX4WIN.tcp file, drag =
it out of the \SAVE directory or rename it first.=20

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