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SAN FRANCISCO (CBS.MW) -- Gold is gaining favor among Wall Street's
analysts, brightening prospects for a new round of paper-gold

Yet even as banks such as UBS declare this week that the metal is in a
"new secular bull market," the most anticipated of the new paper-gold
funds, one that was anointed for the New York Stock Exchange, appears to
be behind schedule.

Equity Gold Trust, sponsored by the World Gold Council, filed an
initial S-1 registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission in
mid-May. Hopes were high that the proposed exchange-traded fund would
launch on the NYSE this summer. See:
Proposed fund will spark investment demand.

Now there are signs the new fund, caught in a hornet's nest of regulatory issues, may miss the summer entirely. Bankers and others familiar with the situation say the gold industry group that is backing the idea is grappling with concerns about the custody of stored gold, as well as the fund's tax status.

That's a pity, given the growing acceptance of gold as an investment

As recently as Thursday, chief technical analyst Peter Lee and his team
at UBS declared the precious metal was "within the consolidation phase
of a new secular bull market." The UBS technicians, joining several
other major investment banks in their growing enthusiasm for the metal,
said, "it looks as if a breakout above $375 an ounce is the key to
unleashing another bull run from the metal. If such a breakout should
occur, we would be looking for targets first toward the $425 zone, then
closer to $500."


The chances of accelerated inflation and a continued decline in the
dollar have banks such as Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs starting to
recommend 5 percent weightings of gold in clients' holdings. The spot
gold price of $355 an ounce on Friday was about $35 below its February
high point this year, yet shares of large gold producers such as Newmont
Mining (NEM) and small exploration companies such as Ivanhoe Mines (IVN)
and Nevsun Resources (NSU) are flirting with multi-year or all-time

Gold's growing luster has prompted several organizations to enter what
Wall Street pros call the "securitized commodities" arena. One firm,
sponsored by the World Gold Council,  launched an exchange-traded gold
fund in Australia this past spring. Each share of that fund, Gold
Bullion Ltd. (GOLD), gives investors a tenth-of-an-ounce of gold. See:
New gold instruments on the prowl.

Another new fund, the closed-end Central Gold-Trust (GTUUN), recently began trading in Canada and is managed by the same folks who successfully brought another bullion fund, the 20-year-old Central Fund of Canada (CEF), to the American Stock Exchange.

Few bullion professionals want to speak publicly about the World Gold
Council's regulatory difficulties for its Equity Gold Trust. That's
mostly because the gold council spends tens of millions of dollars each
year marketing the metal, and industry types are giving the trade
group's new leadership, Chairman Christopher Thompson of Gold Fields
Ltd. (GFI) and former Calpers pension-fund chief James Burton, a
honeymoon period.

But boy, are the natives restless. "This baby has had a pregnancy
longer than an elephant's," one noted metals analyst told me. "The
deal-wobbler, if not breaker, is the facility to pick up physical gold."

Indeed, nowhere in its 200-page SEC filing does Equity Gold Trust explain precisely how British bank HSBC, its proposed trustee, would go about shuttling allocated gold from an investor to a London vault. The trust would allow institutions to contribute gold to the fund in its purchase of large ownership units.


A longtime financier and gold dealer told me, "Central Gold-Trust and
Central Fund both know where the gold is. They have warehouse receipts,
audit reports, their gold is insured, and they don't allow
sub-custodians access to actual gold or accept gold from

The gold council and the SEC routinely decline to comment on any
filings, pending or otherwise. But one banker tells me, "The SEC is
looking out for the fund's buyers, and therefore the SEC wants to make
sure that the assets are intact. The WGC's fund did not provide enough
controls to assure the SEC."

Like the Australia fund, the proposed Equity Gold Trust would buy gold
bullion and issue shares representing gold holdings. Each share then
would be backed by that amount of gold and deposited with HSBC in

Another hurdle may be the mention of a so-called intellectual property
lawsuit mentioned in the original filing. Equity Gold Trust's first
choice to be its proposed fund's trustee raised the possibility that it
considered the gold ETF concept its own idea, according to the filing.
That choice was unnamed in the filing, but several bankers speculate it
is Bank of New York, a company that's eager to claim the area of
securitized commodities as its home turf.


Morningstar, the mutual fund research firm, may have given the proposed
Equity Gold Trust (GLD) the kiss of death in a report that panned its
prospects. In that report, Morningstar noted "the trust is contending
with another business entity that claims to have intellectual property
essential to the trust's operations. The legal language pertaining to
the problem is murky, and no litigation has been initiated so far, but
the trust could experience additional costs or delays in operations."

Another challenge is tax status. The Internal Revenue Service may be
reluctant to regard the open-end fund as a security. Thus, even if held
more than a year, shares of the trust would represent a "collectible" in
the eyes of the IRS and thus be subject to a 28 percent income tax
levied on institutions and individuals.

J.C. Stefan Spicer, the chief executive of Central Gold-Trust and
Central Fund, tells me the mark-to-market provisions may also be
problematic. An owner of Equity Gold Trust shares likely would see the
holding's net asset value adjusted periodically, say daily, weekly,
quarterly or yearly, in a mark-to-market reckoning that would create tax

Oh, and equity mutual funds that are generally restricted from stuffing
more than 5 percent of their portfolio with actual bullion might find
themselves exceeding regulatory limits when gold prices do head far
higher, as I expect they will this year.

"Look, they put out a product idea that was too preliminary," Spicer
told me in a break from auditing his two fund's bullion holdings in a
Toronto-area vault operated by Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce. "They
wanted to launch something never launched before done in the United
States. Australia may have worked but the United States is much more


Spicer's father, Philip Spicer, first introduced the idea of a
closed-end bullion fund in the early 1960s. Closed-end funds trade at
premiums or discounts to their net asset value. Spicer explains that his
two bullion funds go to great lengths to segregate, store and insure
their holdings.

"Our bullion is stored in separate cages, with the name of the owner
printed on the cage, and on top of each pallet of bullion it states
Central Fund or Central Gold-Trust," Spicer said. "This disables the
bank from using the asset from any of their purposes. We also pay Lloyds
of London for coverage of any possible loss."

The fee structure of the proposed Equity Gold Trust also may be a
hindrance if the fund were to begin trading on the NYSE, said Spicer,
who acknowledges his two funds are competitors. That's because the
amount of gold that each Equity Gold Trust share represents decreases
over time as the trustee is paid for managing the product.

In contrast, Central Gold-Trust, which holds only gold, and Central
Fund of Canada, which holds gold and silver, "do not discount or dilute
the existing owner's asset value by issuing new shares," Spicer said
from his Ontario office.


"Non-dilution is the most important issue, and if you are bringing in
new users, and their net asset value is one dollar, at the end of the
day they should still have that one dollar," he said.

In recent weeks, investors have begun to warm to the idea of owning
gold through Spicer's two funds. The premiums the two funds sell for
have increased markedly, even with a middling gold price. As of Friday
morning, the premium on Central Gold-Trust, which holds 87,000 ounces of
gold, was about 13.5 percent to the actual price of spot gold. The
premium on Central Fund, which holds 297,000 ounces of gold and almost
15 million silver ounces, is 15 percent.

For more on the paper gold story, see subscription service  The
Calandra Report.


Shares of little-known gold exploration companies, and some that are
very well known, are leading the general stock market as investors turn
their attention to hard assets.

Robert Friedland's Mongolia-based gold and copper operation, Ivanhoe
Mines, was leading most exploration stocks this week and now exceeds the
$1 billion Canadian market-cap level. Friedland, as detailed at length
in  The Calandra Report
in June and July, has been convincing fund managers to use Ivanhoe Mines
as a proxy for China-area economic growth. "Robert was the rock star at
the Diggers and Dealers Convention in Australia, which had a number of
large institutions present," Ivanhoe Mines deputy chairman Ed Flood told
me from his Vancouver office.

In addition, shares of Venezuela miner Crystallex International (KRY)
are holding their sharp gains of the past week. Crystallex is identified
in  The Calandra Report
as a likely takeover target, given the size of the Venezuela deposit,
10-million-ounce Las Cristinas, it hopes to develop.


Robert Bishop, the longtime editor of  Gold Mining Stock Report
(, predicts a Crystallex takeover.
"My view," he said, "continues to be that there are multiple parties
conducting advanced due diligence and that waiting until a feasibility
study is in hand next month, not to mention running the risk of higher
gold prices, would only mean that an interested party would get to pay
more for Crystallex. In short, I'd be surprised if we don't see movement
on KRY this month."

Finally, shares of Bema Gold are rising swiftly (up 8 percent Friday
morning) as investors lick their chops in anticipation another round of
drill results from the Canadian company's Russia project, Kupol. Bema
(BGO) may find itself with one of the world's most lucrative gold
projects, along with explorers Crystallex, Nevsun and Ivanhoe Mines, if
the company next week can provide more confirmation of extremely high
grades at the far eastern Russia field it controls. Some bankers see
Bema's shares doubling in short order if the test results exceed 30
grams of gold per each ton of ore. See:
Bema update


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