
At the risk of burial under yet another avalanche of scam spams from
[EMAIL PROTECTED], and with no intent whatsoever  to detract from the
ongoing and compelling lovefest between corwind and his currency
dealers, I am compelled to post regarding the demise of the venerable
and essential Bananagold.

IM insignificant, dirtbag O, Bananagold was the touch that put the
lustre and sparkle in e-gold, the enabler that made e-gold a desirable
and exciting currency, the key to utimately converting my e-gold into
tangible, hands on products like CD's and books, the final gratification
of my e-gold lusts and desires.

What a shame this wondrous service is not worth jpm's while to continue
to provide. It doesn't say much for the health of the e-gold community
in general, in my estimation. One might expect e-gold itself to promote
such a service to the end of ultimately building e-gold's importance and
relevance in the new world of e-commerce.

Banana, I'll miss you,

--Worth 2 cents?-- 

--View my e-gold directory at: 

"God is dead"-Nietzche..."Nietzche is dead"-God

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