J.P., responding to Paul, wrote:

>> Hmm... seems like you have missed Steve Foerster
>> mails here and on e-gold-tech list... They are
>> installing new server and hopefully it will be
>> up on Monday.

> I think it is quite silly not to post such information
> to the normal  e-gold list.

Now that the new server's been up and running properly for a
day -- and now that I've had enough sleep to know that it
wasn't just a dream! -- I've considered the way the
informing the list part of this situation was handled.

In retrospect, J.P., you're right, not cross posting those
updates to this list was pretty boneheaded on my part, and
moreover adding a piece of boneheadedness at exactly the
wrong time.  I apologize for that, and in the future, I'll

make sure to update this central list as well on anticipated
downtime and other critical issues.

I'd still like to invite interested parties to subscribe to
the technical list, however.  I plan to discuss a number of
issues that may interest those affected by the activities of
e-gold and G&SR, I expect chief among which will be
geographic distribution of servers and which technologies
are being used for G&SR's new OmniPay Network system and
e-gold's Ltd.'s new e-gold system.

To join, visit: <http://www.e-gold.com/unsecure/lists.html>,
then click on the lower "e-gold" link, then on
"e-gold-tech", and follow the subscription directions.

Thanks again for bearing with us,


Stephen H. Foerster
Chief Technology Officer
e-gold * G&SR/OmniPay

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