For some reason, the list bounced this when Jim D. sent
it, so this is an experiment. Davidson's words follow, then

Dear Friends,

Declan McCullagh asked me to forward his response, below,
(not quoted so the stupid Lyris server won't bounce it)
as he has either forgotten his e-gold list password or
has subscribed from a forgotten address.

Gordon - I've already told Declan that the words you posted
to the list were not your words, but were you quoting
someone else - a friend at

To avoid having to change my list password again, I've
copied the Seamail team separately.

Finally, on the substance of Declan's comments, I think
his idea that the controversial sites aren't going to be
hosted by Havenco is interesting.  Spells "market opportunity"
in my book.  Somena Free Zone, Limon REAL, or Awdal Free
Port if we can ever get NATO to stop threatening to bomb
Somalia would be possible locations for these "in your
face" sites.  That is, until Sealand joins the nuclear


Thanks for copying me on this. Feel free to forward my reply
to the list if only subscribers can post. (I think I'm on the
list but via a different address.)

I don't know who wrote the original_message (apparently Gordon
someone), and his thesis is quite muddled. But the best I can make
out he's accusing me (or, or both) of harboring bias against
Sealand/Havenco, of participating in a smear campaign of some sort
against it, of not conducting due diligence before publishing the
article, and so on and so on.

All those allegations are untrue. I covered Havenco's existence since,
literally, Day One (my article appeared the same day as the one in
the NYT), and I've been following it off and on ever since. Ryan
Lackey's allegations were interesting and newsworthy because he was
a co-founder, and I spent a few hours talking with him last week. I
gave Sealand and Havenco ample opportunity to reply.

What's noteworthy is that the Havenco/Sealand folks now expressly
admit, as quoted in my article, that they will not host especially
controversial content -- they explicitly say they'll abide by the
general policies of other nations or something to that effect. That
is far different than their original pledge, and is a substantial
policy shift. (It was in email to me that I faithfully reproduced,
so there's no chance of a misquote.)




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