in the Netguide Magazine  there is an article on Digital Dollars  which 
includes a small piece on e-gold.  entitled  e-gold: not exactly a gold 

Here is the exact quote on e-gold from the articles which also 
mentiones Beenz and technocash  but contains links to cybank, 
cybergold,ecashtechnologies and a few others.  Paypal is not mentioned, 
nor ezcmoney, SR, osgold or any others.

Here is the Article:
"e-gold:not exactly a gold rush 
Established in 1996, e-gold is a cyber currency that 
rather than being associated with a bank, is backed by real world gold 
bullion and other precious metals. Instead of basing its payments 
system against the US dollar as some others do, the e-gold system is 
based on the precious metals it has in storage in vaults in London and 
Dubai.  It claims to have more that 208000 active accounts.
Subscribers can purchase the metals in various quanitities raning from 
a few grams to many ounces  and spend then with e-gold traders. The 
gold can be spent either by weight or by its equivalent value in eight 
major currencies including Australian dollars.
While e-gold does not charge for opening an account, it does charge a 
transaction fee of 1% of the value of transactions under US$50 and a 
maximum of US50c for every transaction over that.  There is also a 1% 
annum storage charge for looking after your gold, silver or palladium 
and e-gold traders will charge up to 8.5% for buying and selling e-gold 
precious metals.
More than 20 gold companies, including several that operate within 
Australia, now trade in e-gold.  Other companies, including Digigold , have developed their own digital currency backed by 
e-gold reserves."

Kind regards,

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