As you all know from our previous message our e-gold
account had been either
capped or suspended by e-gold with no prior warning
from them.
We have now received a message from e-gold that is in
no way a satisfactory
explanation for their actions. At the same time
although we did ask all 
not to write to us regarding the e-gold situation
until we were in position 
give you all some clear answers, we have in fact
received many emails from
members who have said they have had lots of problems
in the past with their 
gold accounts and some have said they have lost money
by sending their 
to companies that have had their accounts frozen by
In our last message we did say that we were reluctant
to open an account in 
first place with e-gold and it now seems we should not
have given way to the
members we have who wrote in pleading with us to open
an e-gold account.
Please read the notes below so that we can make our
position clear to all

We no longer have an e-gold account for receiving
payments from members;
neither do we have an account for making e-gold
payments back to our 

We will not be in contact with e-gold again for any
reason and under no
circumstances will we consider using them again in the

The e-gold account has been removed from our website
funding page, please do
not try to send any more funds to us via e-gold.

We have received 4 messages from members who have
asked if we would keep the
account with e-gold open until they can get their
funds out, and in one case
someone even suggested that we should open anonymous
accounts with e-gold 
to keep using the system for as long as possible,
apart from the fact that
these messages are based on selfishness and nothing
else we have no 
of dealing with e-gold ever again.

A member has wrote asking if we will send back the
e-gold payment he has 
made and also one that he made last month including
any profit, we cannot 
anything back to a member via e-gold so you will need
to tell us how you 
to receive payments.
On the question of repayments of capital any member
can request a refund of
their capital but they have to give the 90 days notice
as shown on the 

Bank transfers: In the past we have only sent bank
transfers out to our 
if they have either a Paritate or Citunion account,
within the next month we
will change this so that we will be in a position to
send transfers to any 
account of your choice, please note that any transfer
costs involved in this
will have to be deducted from your account.

In the reply from e-gold they have said that they have
received emails from
people who have said that e-gold that they have sent
us has not been put on
their accounts, this is not true the only e-gold
payments that we did not
allocate to accounts are those that came in to us with
no name or ID number 
the e-gold memo box and these were sent straight back
to the account they
originated from apart from these there was one other
payment that came in 
e-gold did not show the dollar amount on our statement
but with this one we
credited the member with more than he sent in e-gold.
Should there be any doubt on how we dealt with 
thee-gold payments we 
we can and will publish everyone of our e-gold
statements from day one on 
website and send a full list out to all the members.

Our position on the e-gold situation is clear so
please do not write to us 
this subject, all you need to do now is tell us how
you want to be paid when
you request a payment out from your account.
Any further developments will be sent out as a member
update and will be 
on the website.

"I would suggest you open an OSGold account to make
payments with. They have never frozen an account for
no reason at all. I have been exceedingly happy with
their service."

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