To anyone who knows:

How does one go about getting one's enterprise listed on E-Gold's 
director page of "Merchants and Organizations?"

I work with an organization (Free-Market.Net/the Henry Hazlitt 
Foundation) which accepts e-gold donations, and operate a 
webzine/e-press (Rational Review) that also accepts e-gold (and 
which will be marketing a lot more offerings in 2003).

Also, does anyone know if any of the e-gold e-commerce providers 
have a user-friendly recurring payment system to automatically e-
invoice donors/subscribers who want to pay periodically instead of 
in a lump sum? I'd like to set up some systems like this for a paid-
subscription newsletter that will be launching in 2003.

Tom Knapp
Thomas L. Knapp                      "It would be strange indeed if so
Director of Partner Services          celestial an article as FREEDOM
The Freedom Network                   should not be highly rated."
[EMAIL PROTECTED]                                   -- Tom Paine

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