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Date:         Thu, 5 Apr 2001 17:27:33 -0400
Reply-To: Law & Policy of Computer Communications
Sender: Law & Policy of Computer Communications
From: Matthew Gaylor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:      EVENT: Will Encryption Protect Privacy and Make Government
              Obsolete? With David D. Friedman

The Independent Policy Forum

Will Encryption Protect Privacy and Make Government Obsolete?

6:30-8:30 p.m.

Tuesday, April 24, 2001

At The Independent Institute Conference Center
100 Swan Way, Oakland, CA 94621-1428
Phone 510-632-1366 * Fax 510-568-5040

Reception 6:30 p.m.
Program 7:00 p.m.

David D. Friedman

Professor of Law, Santa Clara University
Author, Law's Order: What Government Has to Do With Law and Why It Matters

*Call 510-632-1366 to reserve seats; admission is $30.00 per person,
including one free copy of Law's Order. Admission without book is $10
per person, or $7 for Independent Institute Associate Members.

*Call Nichelle Beardsley, the Events Coordinator, at 510-632-1366
(ext. 118) or email [EMAIL PROTECTED], to get more


Many people have wondered how technological progress will affect
political and civil freedoms. With the rise of encryption software
and the FBI's Carnivore e-mail snooping program, this subject is no
longer the exclusive domain of speculative thinkers or futurists, it
is the subject of intense public-policy debate. Will
privacy-enhancing technology improve faster than privacy-threatening
technology? Should the government mandate privacy standards? Should
it enforce contracts in cyberspace, or would private law do a better
job? Economist and legal scholar David Friedman will discuss these
and related questions about technological change and the case for and
against government involvement.


About Law's Order

[Law's Order] is wide-ranging in scope, at once simple and highly
sophisticated, consistently provocative, an excellent read, and a
notable contribution to an exciting field of interdisciplinary
- RICHARD A. POSNER, Chief Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals, 7th Circuit

"Whether one speaks of the complexities of marginal deterrence, the
resolution of disputes between farmers and railroads, or the social
functions of copyright and patent law, Friedman's book provides the
outsider to the field with a comprehensive but accessible account of
his legal subject matter."
- RICHARD A. EPSTEIN, University of Chicago School of Law

"Simply put, [Law's Order] is fabulously written, and readers will
very much appreciate the lucid style, the humor, and the
hold-nothing-sacred (except, perhaps, the market!) approach."
- STEVEN G. MEDEMA, coauthor, Economics and the Law: From Posner to

"The author is a talented and provocative writer, with a great
imagination and the ability to make readers swallow the often
counterintuitive conclusions of economics as common sense. The book
is an entertaining tour through the mind of someone who has fully
absorbed the 'economic way of thinking' as he attempts to explain and
grapple with questions of social organization."
- PETER BOETTKE, George Mason University

The Independent Institute is the non-profit, non-partisan, scholarly
research and educational organization that sponsors comprehensive
studies on the political economy of critical social and economic
problems. Media inquiries: please contact Mr. Rob Latham, Public
Affairs Director, at 510-632-1366 (ext. 116), or email to

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