I do not recall writing that you stole my money. I stated that you charged
my card and never delivered your product. That fact, and the fact that you
did not respond directly to my request for information (did you receive
the fax? do you need more information?), led me to wonder if you were
indeed still in business.
Why would I wait since October for the funds to appear? Simple, I trusted
Gold-Age to do what they said they were going to do. You asked for
information, I sent it and trusted that you would do what you said you
would do.
It seems the consumer in this "e-commerce" world cannot win in these
circumstances. If I ask for information to soon, you complain that I must
have patience while you fix your servers, or your database or your...
(fill in the excuse de jour). If I wait, and have patience then the answer
is that I should have charged back sooner. I fulfilled my
responsibilities. I sent you all the faxes, emails, voice mails, with the
correct info,including correct account number.
It is you, Parker, who have not done what you said you would do.
Why did I not charge back? I needed the money in my e-gold account not on
my credit card, and I assumed that you would do what you said you would
Now you tie up the lose ends by implying that it is I who am responsible
for your failure. I sent you bad info or somehow or other "schmucked"
things up. That is not what the communication trail shows.
It is very simple, I have done everything you have asked for, exactly the
way you have asked and still you have not done what you said you would do.
One of your colleagues said that you are an honorable man, yet I am still
waiting for you to do what you said you were going to do.
Tracy Guss

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