Dear Bernard,

over on the e-gold mailing list, we have all been very distrurbed by 
this news of Parker Bradley.  We have been unable to reach him on the 
telephone, etc.

Bernard, we are curious where you found this out?  (If indeed the 
message below was from you.)

Also, there has been wild speculation about what the supposed charge 
was (tax evasion?) --- are you fairly siure it was "just" (so to 
speak) credit card fraud?

Thanks for the info!  We're all in a panic here and don't know how to 
proceed to best help the man.

JP May

>Maybe we're not on the same page here, because the message seems to have
>been skewed. Here is the original message, as reported by Vince Callaway and
>Steve Foerster. Since Bernard is a rather respectable source, (in my
>opinion), then the primary question I have is, is the message from Bernard,
>as stated?
>I regret to alert you that Parker Bradley, an Exchange Provider for e-gold,
>a Redemption Center and a friend was raided by approximately 25 Federal
>Gestapos on Monday, March 12, 2001. Under the deception of investigating
>credit card fraud, Parker and his wife were kidnapped and treated to the
>usual gross intimidating tactics of our increasingly tyrannical government.
>The raid seems to have been aimed at Parker's past acceptance of credit
>cards for e-gold - a practice that had cost him dearly as the credit card
>industry is so easy to rip off which then blames the merchant.
>Please forward this alert to your list and report any raid or unusual police
>activity with anyone associated with NORFED. We all must stay well informed
>and ready to investigate any pattern of the government's tyranny.
>Bernard von NotHaus
>Monetary Architect

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