And now, a few words from your host, owner-e-gold-list.  That would be me,
by the way, for those who were wondering (with good reason) if such a person
even existed.

I don't have a problem with posts concerning:

1.  Other gold backed currencies

Other gold backed currencies have emerged in response to e-gold.  Discussion
pertaining to these currencies is arguably on-topic and of interest to
e-gold Users.

2.  Criticisms of e-gold

Criticism of e-gold is by definition on-topic.  Sometimes such criticism
results in needed change.  Other times the criticism seems to emanate from
"trolls".  Although I confess it would be richly satisfying to bounce
trolls, it's a tough call to know when this is appropriate, precisely for
fear of suppressing constructive criticism.  Hence, trolls are permitted to
congregate under the bridge, but are not generally taken seriously by
anybody with a modicum of discernment.

In fact, troll drivel seems to be a tonic for some, inspiring some of the
best e-gold rants I've seen.  "All things work together for good" on the

3.  Advertisements

Advertisements from e-gold accepting businesses are not only welcome, they
are encouraged!  I suggest (see rules) that more than twice a year would be
excessive.  I should have loosened this up a bit ages ago, still it might be
worth noting that if people are expressing annoyance at the mere sound of
your online voice, that perhaps you should kick your self promotion down a
notch or 2 (or 3).  I have to confess that I personally find JP May
extremely entertaining, even when his self promotion mojo is in overdrive
(perhaps especially).  This is the very activity that makes electrons bump
together, one day (soon) to reach a rolling boil.

One exception - advertising is not welcome from high yield investment
programs, prime banks, and other "businesses" that make promises that are
not possible to keep.  Tiresome debates have raged on in the past about the
rightness or wrongness of these so-called "investment opportunities".  Feel
free to peruse the archives for the excruciating details (as opposed to
opening up this topic yet again):

I think I don't say much above that is not well known to anybody not
pretending to be asleep.  Actually what follows should not be any big
mystery either.

I do have a problem with posts in/with/containing:

1.  HTML format
2.  e-mail attachments *
3.  Excessive, inconsiderate citations
4.  Off-topic advertising (as in don't accept e-gold)

This is why the list has *rules* which specifically address these areas.
For those who don't recall the rationale for these rules, please see: **

* New improved reasons overdue.  Care to take a wild guess what those might

** I'm sure the consideration I'm displaying in using this citation
technique won't be lost on everybody.

And finally, my personal pet peeve...

6.  Posts which ignore the long standing "Golden Rule" (yes the pun has
*always* been intended), which states:

--- begin quote

5. Before posting, ask yourself: "Is my post likely to be of interest or
value to a broad range of people from  around the world who are
interested in the topic of e-gold?"  If in doubt, please don't post.

--- end quote

Of the examples I provide to illustrate this concept (some would say the
very distillation of all moral precepts), attention spans appear to trail
off right before this one:

--- begin quote

* Political stuff.  It could be argued that the very concept of e-gold
is of a libertarian bent, but that is not license to use this list to
get people to write their senators or whatever, no matter how important
you think the cause is

--- end quote

Please pause for a moment of silent introspection to contemplate:  "Could he
mean... Moil!?"  Chances are the answer is ***OBI!***.  Your views are bound
to come out in the course of discussion - this is not a problem -
protracted, non-e-gold related arguing of the fine points of your political
philosophy are what fester into problems, even for the long suffering.  I'm
not a fan of topic Nazis, but there is a limit, as many of you have made a
point of reminding me (in your own special ways), both on and off-list.

On a related note, did you know that...
the first 3 posts of new subscribers are moderated (ever since the e-gold
list moved in-house)?  This is not generally a topic Nazi type activity.
Rather, I take this opportunity to squelch blatant HYIP shills to prevent
this list from devolving into a [******] forum.  I also squelch those who
choose to delurk with "yeah, me to" type comments followed by scores of
lines of unnecessary quotes.  This moderation activity is quiet and beyond
discreet - I don't even send offlist e-mail pertaining to it.  After all,
had the offenders read the rules they would have a pretty good inkling of
the reason for the selective censorship without my inelegantly repeating
myself, right?

The beauty of the Lyris software we use for e-gold-list is that it
facilitates selective moderation.  For example, if some clever shill makes a
couple of (loosely) on-topic posts thinking she can begin shilling on a
delayed basis, she can have her antennae yanked.  By this, I mean her
subscription can be configured so that moderation is required for *all* of
her posts, while permitting the grand majority of subscribers to continue
posting at will.

"So with such cool tools, why are you not using them with far greater
frequency?" many of you must be asking yourself.  I suppose the answer would
be that I've been excessively possessive of this list, despite the fact that
it's been quite some time since I've been able to give it the attention it

Therefore, the beloved (half a step shy of famous) Jim Ray has agreed to
help me give this list the attention it deserves.  This means that Jim will
have his hands on the controls of all those cool features I was just
mentioning, and may not be able to resist using them.


So beware to those of you with reading comprehension difficulties, but good
news for the rest of us - Jim Ray, the epitome of seasoned web maven, is
about to tune this list up a bit.  It could be fun.


 - Reid -

(co) owner-e-gold-list

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