> Subject: Cashcards - Ridiculous Delays and False Promises

Yes Jim, as you must have read in my most recent update to our Members,
have been unexpected delays from the new Bank, and particularly from the ATM
Network administrators. Things have changed in the last couple years since
the Terrorist Attacks of 9/11. With Homeland Security, Patriot Act, etc.,
there is a hightened scrutiny for programs like ours.

Things are not as easy as they were 2 years ago, when we could order cards
and have them FedEx'd out the next day.

We reported the facts as they were given to us by the bank, back in our
Update of October 9, 2003, that the cards were in and would be shipped to us
in a couple days. Since then, the bank has come back with several items they
did NOT like on our website. As you can see there have been many changes
made to the website. We feel thast we have fully complied with all their
and are waiting their approval (blessing) so we can get new cards out to all

The new cards are in, fully embossed and ready to ship, we are simply
waiting for
the green light. They meet once per week, on Tuesdays, and we fully expect
to get
our final approvals so we can get the new cards out.

I will be sending out another update, the moment we get our final approval,
to let all our Members know to expect delivery of their new cards.

Thanks to all out our Members for your patience and understanding during
this transitional period.

Jim, as always, thanks for your kind words, and support.

Steve Renner, Managing Director
Cash Cards International, LLC

 US Support Offices:
250 Second Ave S
Suite # 145
Minneapolis, MN 55401

PH: (612) 332-6025
FX: (612) 332-6032


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