Thanks to all of you who posted in this thread, very interesting.

At 06:03 PM 8/29/01, Ken Griffith wrote:

>If digital gold is better money then merchants will give a discount to
>customers who pay in gold, because they prefer the better money.

This resonated.   I think this is the way we will see the thing start
to gather momentum.  There really isn't any other way.  The GBCs
can't give freebies or incentives because they are not built on a
collossal revenue stream like commercial banking or credit cards.

>While it is true that presently people who accept payment in digital gold
>quickly convert it to fiat money, eventually people will want to convert
>their fiat currencies to digital gold.  It may be a decade or two before
>that inflection point is reached, though.
>Use dollars to pay your taxes.  That's all legal tender is good for.

I concluded round 1996 that I was chasing my tail, I had worked my
ass off for 20 years saving money and had $400,000 but watching it
whipsaw back and forth with exchange rates and interest rates,
and watching my mutual funds do nothing for years I just quit
working, spent almost all of the money on a house and other crap,
and have been pretty happy ever since.   The money economy
is a farce.  We're building the pyramids, for the pharaohs.  The
stone buildings downtown don't even give pleasure to the pharaohs.
The system is sick.  Best thing to do is quit working, get your fair
market value way down there round $20,000 for a few years then
join in collaborations with taxable values at the poverty level.


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