The issue of identifying people is not the issue. The real issue is with
mishonoring created credit on or to a stolen credit card.

E-gold started out in the right direction in dealing exclusively with funded
accounts. Can't spend what you don't have. Like cash in the pocket.

Credit cards are a license to access (via a sponsoring bank or agent) fractional
reserve banking (creation of credit) on a personal level. This is a bogus scheme
based on a prior bogus scheme - fractional banking.

Bogus money created from bogus money is still bogus money.

Many people are "forced" into a stealing situation because they do not have
sufficient "money" to survive on. This desperate situation was created by the
same fractional reserve banking through endless creation of more and more credit
backed by nothing. The result is inflation which destroys the value of "money"
thereby forcing people to get more - all the time - getting more - to maintain
any given standard of living. (Raw greed for power to satiate fear is something
else again.)

The solution is not in dealing with effects (credit) of a corrupted system. The
solution lies in trashing the culprit and beginning anew - on solid financial
footing - GOLD or other commodities. With asset based wealth there is no
inflation and no consequent pressure to "get more". Personal honor is restored
and the general system has permanency. There can be no theft through credit card
smoke and mirrors.

The solution then (IMHO) is to trash the existing system - or refuse to deal
with it at the same time replacing it with asset based real money. Anything
short of a total reconstruction is stirring the pile into a greater mess. E-gold
is on the right track. With such a system identification is a mute issue as it
ought to be. S/He who owns the login and password owns the gold. More credit
(with its attendent problems) is not the solution. Wider access to (verifiable)
assets promise greater freedom and stability.

Dale Pond
Delta Spectrum Research
Sympathetic Vibratory Physics
Sacred Science - Sacred Life
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