CCS wrote:

> But there were a few serious misconceptions.  The worst of these was
> the idea that a fiat currency by virtue of being imposed over a larger
> area is somehow an improvement.  Another is that the EU has anything
> to do with free trade: rather it is regulation (ie unfreedom) of trade
> more comprehensively over a larger area.  Both of these are steps
> backward.

A Noo Yawlk lurker Compelled to post:
Why has Denmark Recently quit using EUROs?

                               When the euro was launched on January 4, 1999,
it traded at a healthy 1.18 to the U.S.
                               dollar. Some thought that the euro would replace
the dollar as the world's medium of
                               exchange and international financiers liked the
notion of an dollar alternative.

                               But the euro has steadily declined, losing more
than 25 percent of its value, dropping to
                               only 85 cents in September 2000. On September
22, the United States Federal Reserve
                               joined European central banks to stop further
decline by buying euros.

                               It is not revealed how much money was poured
into this intervention, but estimates are
                               $10 billion. American Federal Citizens as well
as members of the US Congress were not
                               permitted to vote on using Federal money to stop
the hemorrhaging in the euro's value,
                               any more than U.S. Federal Citizens were
permitted to have any say about any other
                               series of costly Third World bailouts.

                               A global or even a regional currency, controlled
by unaccountable bureaucrats in a
                               foreign country, severely diminishes democratic
self government. It disfranchises voters
                               from control not only over their currency but
also over all related economic policies so
                               that important decisions can be made outside of
national elections.

                               A major legacy of the United States Clinton
Administration, working in tandem with the
                               multinationals, is the ceding of bits and pieces
of control over our US economy to
                               bureaucracies in Brussels, Geneva, the Hague,
Mexico City and Beijing. The worst is yet
                               to come, with the World Trade Organization now
impudently demanding that we change
                               a certain tax law and the new president of
Mexico, Vicente Fox, calling for integrating
                               his floundering economy with ours.

                               Under the rule of NAFTA, GATT, WTO and PNTR
(Permanent Normal Trade Relations with
                               China), American democracy is diminished. While
England appears to be waking up to
                               Margaret Thatcher's wisdom in defending the
importance of national sovereignty, will
                               the United States learn this lesson in time?
Will the US dollar be less dominating in the
Kind regards
Mark S. Ohberg
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