Khurram, Jim has asked us to NOT make any more general discussion on 
this list, as e-gold does not want this to be a popular and well-used 
list.  It's their list - let's respect whatever Jim asks for.  I will 
briefly answer you and then have an IMPORTANT COMMERCE E.R.E. 
annoucement!  I suggest you or anyone does not reply to me on the 
list, for poor Jim's blood pressure.

>>>Essentially half the world "missed out" on the Enlightenment
>>>Death to all tribailists -- save us the nuisance by slaughtering them now.
>Oh JP... I wonder if you said the same thing when the building in 
>Oklahoma city was bombed, I wonder if you said Death to all white 
>people?  I wonder if you said the same thing the day a country 
>killed millions of civilians in one day, think hiroshima and 

{Regarding the former, I loathe the BATF and wish they had all been 
burned to death at OK City.  Regarding the latter, you are utterly 
off the mark.  About 60 thousand were killed at Nagasaki, and 120 
thousand at Hiroshima.  Example .  THE DEATH TOLL AT 
weapon used at the WTC *was* a weapon of mass destruction (a 
WMD)...MORE POWERFUL than many small nukes.  FAR MORE PEOPLE would 
have been killed than at Nagasaki, if the buildings had tumbled 
immediately.  Regarding WW2, there were any number of devices and 
military events that killed tremendously more people than the nukes 
-- carpet bombing in Dresden utterly dwarfed Hiroshima/Nagasaki, as 
for that matter did Fire bombing of Tokyo.  Regarding the Japanese in 
WW2, they were the bad guys, along with the Germans. Japan should 
have been bombed constantly until they surrendered, which they did; 
what was the alternative, kill millions on each side in a ground war? 
I am not a pacifist; entities that INITTIATE physical force against 
other entities should be decimated. If you are a pacifist, ie, you 
believe that when an entity INITIATES physical force against another, 
that entity should not be retaliated against, there's nothing we can 
discuss--it's a fundemental epistemological difference.}

{On a lighter note, my usual comment to Pacifists is "I hope you get 
killed, then!" :-) }

>I understand that there may be emotions and tempers flaring at this 
>time, but please think before you speak.

Regarding your question Khurram, I think you're not clear how I'm 
using the word "tribalist" .. I use it as Ayn Rand would.  A 
"tribalist" is just an anti-capitalist, an anti-individualist, a 
statist.  A sacrificer.  I urge you to re-read my post, and I urge 
you to read everything in

By all means I am a big critic of the US Gov.  That does not mean 
that the US Gov's air force is not a fabulous instrument to reign 
total destruction on the anti-capitalists who did this, and anyone 
near them.

Sure, it would be better if some capitalists in the USA got together 
and paid hard cash, or gold, for nuclear weapons and did it 
themselves, but the USAF is fine by me.  GO USAF.

The WTC attacks were WMDs, the response should be WMDs.

>People of Isreal consider themselves a tribe, and so do the omish 
>people, death to them also?
>   Khurram Khan

*end of Jim irritation!*


How that I'm all wound up again ... Bananagold, which now accepts 
both e-gold and GoldMoney, will be offering a fabulous PROMOTION to 
celebrate the amazing achievements of DGCs in a few short years, and 
the fact that capitalism is the winning side, and can never be 
defeated, and that even Sept 11 is not even a poke in the eye for 
Capitalism.  Get ready for a Banana promotion!

(GoldMoney is doing well at Banana, BTW .. it's, for now, running 
about 1/2 as many orders as e-gold .. remarkable considering the tiny 

I encourage other services (eg, Metal Proxy etc) that they may want 
to consider accepting GoldMoney.  It's still a marginal business 
overall, but there it is.

JP May

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