No really, if you were being paid for spelling errors you would be a rich 
man! Also I'm sure it was not an *offer* to pay a gram for each use of 
"Power of Attorney", just an observation that you must have a financial 
incentive to keep saying it!

I guess failing to take care with one's own typing is closely related to 
failing to carefully understand what others write, but I admit that there 
is a significant chance that you are deliberately constructing your 
writings with as many spelling mistakes as possible, and that your comment 
about the grams per quote offer was made tongue-in-cheek, in the full 
knowledge that it was not an offer.

I must concur with Bryan, that bad grammar and spelling are extremely 
strong reasons NOT to accept solicitations for goods or services.

At 11:24 AM 11/09/2002 -0400, "Fred Michaelis" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:





>I am Fred Michaelis, Power of Attorney for an
>Offshore Anonymously owned offshore Auction.

>By the way, that was an
>exilent idea someone had about giving gold in my company's E-gold account
>which is numbered 505468. :-)  Can I abreveate my "Power of Attorney
>title?"  POA,  POA,  POA,  POA,  POA,  POA,  POA,  POA,  POA,  POA,  POA,
>POA,  POA,  POA,  :-) Gee I sure hope I spelled "abreveation" right? :-)

Ian Green

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