Subject: Re: e-gold / SR ??
From: Dale Pond <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 28 Dec 2000 10:59:34 -0700
X-Message-Number: 5

B Ray wrote:

> You are asked to give quite a bit of personal information in order to open an [SR] acct including a SS# all this makes me very suspicious and starts my mind asking lots of questions.

The SS# requirement also stopped my application for their debit account.
I have noted several things about Standard Reserve, all of which I do not like.  We were going to use Standeard Reserve and even introduce clients to it, but it is obvious that Standard reserve intends to play by the rules of Big Brother, something that we abhor:
1.  SR is not really opening up to international clients, and you can tell this from their application form.  I checked that I was from Costa Rica and therefore did not fill in an SSN as per directions,b ut their system bounced the application for that reason, so I typed in 999-99-9999.  That worked.  Standard rEserve needs to learn that it is ILLEGAL to demand a SSN frm soneone, and that the provision of an SSN is 100% voluntary, and they need to make provision for this.  By acting like the BB banks, they are showing that they are not part of the freedom movement, but a part of the system most egold users are trying to get themselves out of.  Also, SR says that they are doing this to apeal to a larger market.  Well, in actuality, the future is AWAY form BB.  As the internet grows in power and net currencies based offshore, along with offshore services such as ours, WE will someday become the mainstream, not the other way around.  Locating themselves onshore and spending a ton of money to comply with ridiculous US government regulations that force them to SPY on their customers liek the banks is surely the wrong thing to do.  It woudl have been better if they had gone in the direction of Goldmoney and located themselves safely OFFSHORE.  Even egold eventually woke up to this necessity and has now located at least part of their operation offshore.  They should have realized that the government is their ENEMY, not their friend.  We will not cooperate with any entity that is so complicit to BB.
2.  Another SR problem is that they are charging a ludicrous $200.00 fee for a merchant account.  Why should anyone pay this fee, when you can get a Visa/Mastercard merchant account for much less with much more capabilities, or an egold acocunt for free that you can set up a shopping cart for for FREE through Mal's ecommerce.  If you want Buy Me buttons for your egold account, don't pay SR $200.00 for the privilege, get them for FREE at Mal's!
3.  We are updating our website over the next week to have a new egold and transaction exchange page.  The tools are out there for people t use, it's just that no one has put them together in one place before, and we will attempt to do this for all.  Once agian, if you want shopping cart capabilities for your egold account for free, check out Mal's [I don't have the url handy, but it will be on our new page].
I am sorry to dump on SR's parade.  My intentions were to integrate their services with ours.  But really, they have proven themselvs to be incompatible with the offshore world and privacy provisions.  If you want an onshore debit card, you can get one from Citibank a lot cheaper.  If you want something that will enhance your privacy and freedom, SR ISN'T IT!
And one final thing, I have asked several times of the principles these privacy questions and concerns, and the dynamic SR duo has not answered those questions.  It simply is an issue with whjich they do not want to deal, and in my opinion, they should have dealt with it before they opened their doors because this is going to hit them over and over again.  No mainstream merchant will pay the hefty fees they charge, and the privacy advocates that form the heart of the egold community won't use them either.  It would have been better to open up in Panama City than in Atlanta, and I think someday they will understand this.

Our Offshore Website has been totally redesigned, and
we now have web based banking, opening of accounts,
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