>To really do something about untraceability you need to be
>untraceable. Draw this graph I outlined. Think about where the
>markets are for tools for privacy and untraceability. Realize
>that many of the "far out' sweet spot applications are not
>necessarily immoral: think of freedom fighters in
communist->controlled regimes, think of distribution of birth
control >information in Islamic countries, think of Jews hiding
their >assets in Swiss bank accounts, think of revolutionaries
>overthrowing bad governments, think of people avoiding unfair
>or confiscatory taxes, think of people selling their expertise
>when some guild says they are forbidden to.

>Most of all, think about why so many efforts to sort of deploy
>digital cash or untraceability tools have essentially failed
>due to a failure of nerve, a failure to go for the brass ring.

Very good analysis, Mr. Schear.  Very cogent.

I believe e-gold and a few other providers of e-currency
understand these concepts (without admitting it).  The biggest
fear is not whether companies such as e-gold will become popular
or not.  They will.  The fear, at least from my perspective, is
how soon big brother government will intervene.

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