To the e-gold list: Happy Presidents Day,
Dateline: worldwide

The price of gold is to its highest level in almost two years.  The last
time gold prices and mining stocks hit this level quickly was in late
1999 and early 2000 when concerns about overheated stock markets and
European central bank reserves saw the metal price quickly above US$315
an ounce.

What is going on?

Volatile days of trading is sending investors searching for protection
against another slide in stocks and the economy.

There are seven more Enron's out there all called G7.  What is the G7?
How can they be compared to Enron? what is a money myth as applied to
the G7?

President George W. Bush's economic stimulus plan will not pass through
Congress, and has been withdrawn.  This failure of the U.S. fiscal
stimulus plan is heaped on to a market still burnt from the Enron
accounting scandal and other stock meltdowns, People are cynical and

Despair is spreading, investors lose faith in the chances of a strong
economic rebound later this year.

South Africa's AngloGold Ltd. followed the lead of many smaller miners,
cutting back its price hedging program. This is proof that the industry
expects the gold price to keep rising. A spate of industry consolidation
seems likely to curtail production over the next few years, boosting
prices and profits,

This will maintain the Global limited supply of actual Gold metal.
Demand for gold exceeds newly mined supply by about a thousand tons a
year. The difference is made up mainly by drawing on stocks held by
central banks and private investors.

Which is THE Swiss Central Bank, they are on it STELLAR MAJOR (got their
finger in the damn)  and must sell off for the breaks to break on a run
away gold price.

Who is the Swiss bank selling to?  What is the LBMA?  Who is UBS
Warburg? What is a money myth as applied to the Swiss Bank?

Following inflationary Argentina, Deflationary Japan is expected to
incur an unsustainable debt burden of $1 trillion in protecting
depositors from the collapsing banking system, which is a long
anticipated financial crisis that about to erupt.
long-term significance is the rush by wealthy Japanese to invest in
bullion bars. It's been triggered by the impending cancellation of the
government guarantee on all bank deposits above Y10 million or USD$75

Why? have I always maintained WHACKY gold derivatives as certain death.
Write now as I right this the derivaters have a sinking feeling.

John Reade, precious metals analyst at UBS Warburg in London, describes
this Japanese rush to buy as "potentially the biggest gold demand of the

As predicted the market still has some troubles ahead because
expectations for a quick recovery and for surging corporate profit
growth this year has proven too optimistic.

Congressman Ron Paul of Texas has introduced legislation designed to
curb the ability of the President or the Treasury Secretary to
manipulate worldwide gold prices. The "Monetary Freedom and
Accountability Act" restores proper congressional authority over gold
policy by requiring that body to vote its approval before the President
or Secretary buys or sells gold.

I'm tickled Yellow, how bout you?
Got Gold?
Kind Regards
Mark S. Öhberg
Contraian giddy gold bug

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