Loose Canons
Would You Believe? (Neither do I.)
By Jed Babbin
Published 12/1/2003 12:08:13 AM

LONDON -- Would you believe you can create an economic superpower by
combining many weak economies into one that's centrally-controlled by a
bureaucracy unaccountable to voters? Would you believe that a bunch of
countries that refuse to spend at an adult level to provide for their own
defense now want to devote a chunk of their scarce military resources
to make themselves independent militarily of the U.S.? Well, chief,
if you believe that you must be a big supporter of the European Union.

"Tottering Along Nicely" is one of those popular Brit TV shows in which
the Brits poke fun at their own foibles, and it's pretty funny. But
watching BBC you'll never learn that the EU reached its apogee last
week, and the only direction it will go from here is down. The EUnuchs
thundered and blundered on both economics and defense in ways that will
eventually sink their attempted alliance. One of the principles the EU
is founded upon is that the quasi-socialist governments of its biggest
members needed to be protected from the profligacy of the others. In
the mid-1990s, Germany insisted on and obtained agreement that if any EU
member had a national debt in excess of 3% of its gross domestic product,
it is susceptible to fines and other sanctions by the EU. This was aimed
at Italy, which -- like France and most of the rest -- was debt-ridden
and thought to be unable to recover without drastic reforms.

That's the advertised product. But that's not what the EUnuchs deliver of
course. None of the EU nations have been willing to face the problems
caused by their semi-socialist policies that preclude significant
economic growth.  Sclerotic economies are the norm in Europe, aging
populations brutalized by taxes and not even able to reproduce to create
a new generation to pay for the old. The EU's own books -- reflecting
the bureaucracy's spending habits -- don't balance enough for outside
auditors to even say they're accurate.  France -- recently most famous for
letting ten thousand of its citoyens die in a heat wave because everyone
responsible for dealing with the problem was on vacation -- has reached a
level of decadence unseen since Madame Guillotine first came to prominence
in 1789. Staggering wages, frequent strikes, statutorily-created long
vacations and breathtaking taxation have resulted in French debt in
excess of 3% of its Gross Domestic Product for the third year in a row.

Germany, also in the Red in more ways than one, also exceeds the
3% threshold.  All that made both countries susceptible of fines
for breaking the rules designed to protect the Euro. But there they
go again. Last week the two founding members of the Axis of Weasels
railroaded an agreement that broke the Euro deal, and that Humpty Dumpty
won't ever be put together again. Now, the rest of the EU members --
many of which are not EUnuchs, such as Spain -- are left holding the
bag for their supposed economic partners. It is only a matter of time
before this problem unravels the whole EU deal.

The problem for us is that the political momentum behind the EU ensures
that it may totter along nicely for another five or ten or twenty years
before it comes apart. Too many politicians have too much invested in
the EU to let it fall apart over something as petty as the foundational
economic principles.  Even Tony Blair -- under fire in his own nation
for rising crime and discontent over British participation in the war
in Iraq -- is edging along the EU deal in trepidation. The EU economic
shenanigans and the defense deal that is still evolving may yet damage
fatally our only important military alliance, NATO.

It's all in the math. The kerfuffle over the separate EU defense force
is important, but more symbolic of the problem than a real blow to
NATO. The Weasels want a defense structure that is capable of operating
independently of NATO, which is fine. If Europe will take on the burden
of peacekeeping operations and other matters in which American interests
aren't clearly implicated, we should encourage them to do so, and we have.

The principal reason that NATO is strong is that its forces train together
and operate with weapon systems that are, at least mostly, compatible
with each other. At the base of the Weasels' ambitions is to build a
defense force that not only is capable of operating independently from
American forces, but is equipped with European-made weapon systems. For
the head weasel, France's Chirac, it's always about the money. If France
can divorce the EU from NATO, France's defense manufacturers may be able
to profit from increased sales (if there were any to all the EU nations'
defense establishments, which there ain't).

We live in an era of "plug and play" warfare. In the Iraq campaign,
the intensity of the conflict was an essential part of the successful
strategy.  Compatibility and some commonality of systems -- along with
decades of training together and establishing personal relationships
among the warriors -- enabled American and British forces to fight
together in a way that can't be created otherwise. "Network-centric"
warfare is a favorite buzzword around the American and Brit military
establishments. But behind the buzzword is a concept of ultimate
importance. If you can't plug into the network -- both a literal
computer network and an intellectual network of thinking that provides
its framework -- you can't fight as part of the team. It costs money to
be plugged in, and none of the Weasels is spending it. Last week, the
evolving EU defense deal took a symbolic turn that widens the growing
gap between concept and reality that NATO now needs to cross.

Last week's fight was more symbolic than substantive. The Weasels
wanted a separate EU command structure outside NATO, complete with a
fancy new headquarters building. Tony Blair has set some "red lines"
that Britain supposedly won't allow the EU constitution to cross. One
is the preservation of NATO, to which Britain is committed. At least
for now. Blair apparently agreed (he and foreign secretary Jack Straw
have sent conflicting signals) that there could be the separate command
structure, to which the UK will devote about 130 officers and men who
would otherwise be assigned to NATO or something else useful. But Blair's
dedication to NATO is being whittled away gradually, and NATO's relevance
is being eroded daily. Regardless of what the EU constitution eventually
says, it's doubtful that many NATO members will be able to provide more
than their good wishes to meet their mutual defense commitments under
the NATO charter.

Thanks to the irresponsible attitude toward defense spending displayed
by most NATO nations since the Evil Empire filed for Chapter 11, NATO
may achieve irrelevance even before the EU constitution is agree to. For
us, the question boils down to this: Can we convince our NATO allies
to provide sufficiently for their own defense so that they can commit,
deploy, and fight in NATO's interests? For nations such as Germany, whose
defense expenditures amount to only about 1% of its GDP, the answer will
be a resounding no.

We need NATO, but not if NATO's only a shell. Big Dog Rumsfeld and the
White House will be putting a lot of pressure on the EU nations to not
destroy NATO outright. But while we do this, we had better ask ourselves
which nations we want to be obligated to go to war to defend? Those
nations that are unwilling to protect themselves -- and to reform their
economies sufficiently to afford to do it -- aren't nations we should
spend blood and treasure to defend.  Again.

Jed Babbin was a deputy undersecretary of defense in the first Bush administration, and now often appears as a talking warhead on MSNBC.

Lex clavatoris designati rescindenda est.


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