I've got to try to get this message across because you, on this list,
above most might understand and many are missing it. 

"They" are a group of families hundreds of years old. "We" are the
little folk getting blown to bits all over the globe. "They" control and
profit from "our" money all over the globe now. "They" orchestrated an
attack on "us" Tuesday morning and had a dozen of "us" fly the attack
planes into buildings full of "us". "They" will next try to get "us" to
kill a bunch more of "us" probably somewhere in the middle east because
"they" want to be rid of "us" to inherit the planet for "themselves". 

Some of "us" have gathered here to respond to another of "their"
tactics, a dishonest money system, to try to create an honest one. That
played no roll in hurrying this rush to a soon-to-be war, "their" sick
money about to collapse is the reason. "We" fall into "their" trap when
"we" think "we" were attacked by someone else (or some other country)
and then set of to kill more of "us" somewhere else. "We" have been
killed like this for a long time all over the globe, in Palestine, Iraq,
and most of Africa. The shock is now many of "us" have been killed in
the U.S. This, like Pearl Harbor, is meant to shock "us" into the trap.

An honest money system, one that holds no profit for "them" is one of
the proper forms of retaliation (and costs no lives), but if "we" really
want to defeat the enemy "we" must first recognize who "they" are and
then simply stop supporting "them". No more killing is the answer.
Without "our" support "they will go broke and have to provide values
like the rest of "us" (become part of "us"). Without "our' killing each
other they will likely do business with "us", no matter, we'll still be
alive and doing business with each other. Yes, using "our" own (or any
honest) money is key. 

The U.S. has committed atrocities all over as has been said here, but I
am in the U.S. and I didn't. The U.S. may even deserve to be attacked
but I don't... and neither did those of "us" in the WTC and Pentagon. So
let "us" continue the proper response of an honest money system and
moreover, recognition of just who "we" are and "they" are. Anyone who
thinks "they" are not in high positions in the U.S. tell me how "our"
defences were totally absent (zip, zero, nada) for over an hour while
AF1 and several fighter jets headed west. THAT wass a major maneuver!
Now it's "our" turn - don't fall into the trap!       


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