
--- Justine Katting <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 I understand
> your points but 
> I was talking about how little effect I would have ringing up
> big bad Mr 
> bush...

This is where most people err.  They don't think they can change
the world because they think too big.  Of course you can't call

But you can do something better and easier.  Don't follow most
of the laws, namely the "victimless crimes."

When you can, don't pay taxes.  If on a jury, don't convict the
pot smoker or money launderer.  Don't cooperate with police
unless there is a real victim involved.  Make it harder for the
government to function.  Question everything.

When you can, use e-currencies.

A little civil disobedience from a lot of people can do wonders
for everyone's freedom by putting a bigger and bigger burden on
government, which will put a bigger and bigger burden on
society, which will foster more and more civil disobedience

This requires a soul that craves liberty above all, a soul that
feels pain when it senses injustice (even in little things), and
a mind that is constantly vigilant.

A lot of people, unfortunately, do not crave liberty, real
liberty, and are too eager to give up liberty for any number of
perceived short-term benefits.  :(

So, Justine, have you ever engaged in civil disobedience?

"" <--- That's nothing; ignore.  :)


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