I wish I could communicate the THRILL to people who are not 
http://bamdex.com members, of getting a little robot email in your 
inbox, after a long, tense and gruelling battle with an (unknown, but 
honorable!) bamdex adversory member, and slowly reading down through 
the email ... with some trepidation ... and then seeing that magical 

>>      0.86 grams has been added to your account

WHOO HOOO!!!!!!!!

and it's free to use!

>>>Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2001 04:06:58 -0500
Subject: Your contract has been closed

Bamdex member number:

        # 9900220
        contract: IFGETD USD against e-gold
        up or down: 'downs'

Has now been closed out.
(Either you closed it, or, the matching side closed it,
or it was automatically closed because either your side
or the other side exhausted margin.)

Was created at:
        2001-08-13 15:44:52
        at $ 276.30 USD per ounce
        (112.57 grams per thousand dollars)

And is now out at:
        at $ 274.20 USD per ounce
        (113.43 grams per thousand dollars)

        0.86 grams has been added to your account

(Profit/loss is calculated by difference in g.p.t. values.)

Your account details will now include one new historic
contract entry and one new journal entry. The margin
required for this contract is released.

Review your account details at
Bamdex site: http://www.bamdex.com


You are currently subscribed to e-gold-list as: archive@jab.org
To unsubscribe send a blank email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Did you know that e-gold Ltd. stores more gold on behalf of customers
than many countries? See http://www.gold.org/Gra/Gra1.htm and the
e-gold Examiner at http://www.e-gold.com/examiner.html for details.

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