There have been discussions about a whole range of new currency
possibilities. What if the working model of 1mdc is taken and expanded
upon? Instead of a currency overlayed on a specific GBC, what would be the
pros/cons of a currency redeemable (backed is too vague of a term) for any
of a basket of GBCs?

You exchange 100g of e-gold for 100g of comgold. Those 100g of comgold
aren't guaranteed to be redeemable for e-gold, but are guaranteed to be
redeemable for 100g total of any of the currently underlying GBCs (17g
pecunix, 13g goldmoney, 16g e-bullion, 14g 1mdc, 40g e-gold) due to the
flux of in- & out-exchanges.

pro: diversification of risk
flip-side con: It's a weakest-link currency. If something happens, an
operator runs with the gold, the vault is hit by a nuke, etc..., then it's
a race to see who gets left holding the now-worthless underlying currency
as everybody in the know is redeeming their comgold for one of the
still-valid underlying currencies.

Viking Coder

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