[e-gold-list] dollars vs grams

2003-09-16 Thread Asiana Gold
Dear Graham, Joel, Good idea... but is that what the customers prefer? I agree it's a good idea to re-educate customers, but... I think most people prefer dollars over grams because most merchants products and services are priced in dollars. If more merchants priced their products and services i

[e-gold-list] Dollars and Opec

2003-03-23 Thread Ragnar
No doubt about it, Hussien models himself after the great fascist dictators, and his way of doing things is everything a freedom loving American is taught from childhood to hate. Cleaning one more of such regimes off the planet is definitely taking out the garbage, and is one of many good r

[e-gold-list] dollars?

2002-11-07 Thread Jim Davidson
Dear Friends, As for this story: http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20021107/ap_on_el_ge/campa igns_mighty_dollar&cid=1305&ncid=1305 There is no difficulty in contributing as much as you please to a candidate. If you are upset by the new "hard money" limit of $2000 per candidate