I can attest to the accuracy of Craig's complaints and predictions about the
US government.  The man who wrote the article "E-Money: Paradise or Prison"
(http://www.goldbankone.com/article.php?sid=77) is a friend of mine,
Franklin Sanders.   Mr. Sanders has been a gold bullion dealer since the mid
seventies.  Back in the early eighties he innocently started a "gold bank"
in which people could open accounts denominated in grams of gold.  It was
basically a paper and ink version of e-gold, 100% backed, with a 1% agio

Little did Mr. Sanders know, this was a big no-no.  Even though there were
no US Laws prohibiting this kind of business (since Nixon relegalized
private ownership of gold in 73), within six months he was subjected to
investigation and attack by the Tennessee Department of Revenue, the
Internal Revenue Service, and the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms

The BATF raided his family farm in the wee hours of the morning in full SWAT
gear, a technique that has become a hallmark of federal agencies in the past
decade.  Mr. Sanders is convinced that they did so in the hopes that he
would, not realizing it was a police raid, attempt to defend his family from
the masked invaders in the night, resulting in his death.  Thankfully, he
did not resist, and he and his family escaped with their lives, if not their
dignity.  (His ten year old daughter was subjected to a strip search at
gunpoint - another signature move by perverted BATF agents.)

Not content to have destroyed his business, the IRS publically named Mr.
Sanders as, "the most dangerous man in the mid-South."

The IRS persecuted him with a federal jury trial, which he amazingly won.
Not willing to lose so easily, the IRS then transferred several personnel to
the Tennessee Department of Revenue which prosecuted him for failing to pay
state sales tax on the sale of gold bullion.  Mr. Sanders argued that the
gold bullion he was selling was US Gold Eagle coinage from the US Mint which
was official legal tender, and therefore not subject to sales tax. (Money
changers are not required to pay sales tax in any state of the US.) The
court convicted him anyway and sentenced him to a year in jail, reduced to
sixty days, which he served in 1999.

When I discussed with Mr. Sanders the idea of starting an electronic gold
digital currency back in 1997, his response to me was, "Ken, if you do that,
the US government will stop you at any cost.  They will try to kill you."
This man speaks from personal experience.  He isn't a conspiracy theorist.
Just an honest country-boy who thought the law giving US citizens the right
to own gold meant what it said.  Did he ever get an education.

I know other honest people who have had similar experiences with federal
agencies.  In the name of an investigation they will lie to potential
witnesses in order instill fear in them and smear the reputation of the
person they are after.  They will plant evidence, make up evidence, and
destroy evidence in order to get the conviction they want.  With few
exceptions, they have no qualms about lying on the witness stand and taking
advantage of the jury's trust in government officials.  The IRS has become
an agency that plunders its victims, with the actual agents often pocketing
personal items such as jewelry, never to be seen again, as they
"accidentally" don't record it on the list of items removed in the raid.
IRS agents are as corrupt as third-world bureaucrats.

The point of this is that rule-of-law no longer exists in the United States.
If it did, then the IRS would have to list the law in the federal register
requiring US citizens to file tax returns.  It operates without the basis of
law just fine, because the courts will demonize and destroy any fool who
attempts to defend himself by pointing out that there is no such law.  If
you cross the path of the feds in this country, it is truly a crapshoot as
to whether you will get a fair trial or not.   At least, it is still
possible to win sometimes, but the fact is that the cops and the courts are
increasingly corrupt.

The simple solution to the US control problem is for the personnel of the
affected companies simply to move out of the US themselves.  I am sure they
will do this when it becomes an issue in the future.

Ken Griffith

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