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Key: NXP-1369
Issue Type: New Feature New Feature
Status: Open Open
Priority: Minor Minor
Assignee: Julien Anguenot
Reporter: Alain Escaffre


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full text on blobs in complex metadata 
Updated: 19/07/07 17:14   Created: 19/07/07 17:14  

Project: Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5
Components: Query / Search
Fix Versions: 5.2 M1

For now, the "pieces jointes" are not indexed in full text. And in a more generic way, if a project wants to use a complex metadata with a blob , it needs to put the content of the document to the full text.
This enables to redirect the user at least on the "main document", when finding the good word or _expression_.

 one should pay attention to the fact that often, this complex metadata, which contains the blob in one of the attributes, is multi valued. So the blobextractor has to do a loop in that case.
 If this is not enough accurate, I can furnish an exemple

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