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Key: NXP-1034
Issue Type: Task Task
Status: Resolved Resolved
Priority: Major Major
Resolution: Fixed
Assignee: Dragos Mihalache
Reporter: Eric Barroca


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Mark the old NXCore search feature as deprecated (in favor of the search service) 
Updated: 16/05/07 14:05   Created: 15/05/07 01:03  

The following issue has been resolved as FIXED.

Author: Dragos Mihalache
Date: 16/05/07 14:05
deprecated search api in CoreSession and AbstractSession - could be moved in a separate class when cleaning to be used later if needed.

Project: Nuxeo Enterprise Platform 5
Components: Core
Fix Versions: 5.1 M3

Please mark NXCore's internal index/search classes as deprecated in favor of the new search service (NXSearch) and check that nothing break. :-)

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