For starters:  Johanna Macey et al "Thinking Like a Mountain"; Delores 
LaChapelle "Sacred Land, Sacred Sex", maybe Macey's new book of similar 
title; Machaelle Small Wright's "Behaving as if the Good in All Life 
Mattered" and "Perelandra Garden Workbook"; and any of several books from 
the early period of Findhorn in Scotland.  Also, any of Gary Snyder's 
poetry; anything by Arne Ness (SP?), Jim Nollman's Books; books by J. E. 
Lovelock about the Gaia hypothesis; Duane Elgin's Voluntary Simplicity.

That should keep 'em busy and highly stimulated for a while.

P. S.  None of these are actually ecofeminist.  I'll let others on this 
list give you more info about that part of the reading list.

On Sun, 15 Jan 1995, Cheryl L. Boyd wrote:

> I've been asked to recommend a couple of readings for a small
> women's spirituality group that would introduce them to the
> idea of eco-spirituality or environmental spirituality.  Does
> anyone have any ideas here?
> Thanks in advance for your help,
> Sherry Boyd
> -- 
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Jan 16 17:52:53 MST 1995
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 1995 19:59:34 -0400 (EDT)
From: Leah S Glatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Environmental Spirituality
To: "Cheryl L. Boyd" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi--    Starhawk "the Spiral Dance"
        Barbra Walker---She has a lot of them
        "The Great Cosmic Mother"--Monica Sjoo
        "The Once and Future Goddess"--???
        "The Women's Spirituality Book"???
        "Daughters of the Copperwoman"---???

These are of the top of my head but there's LOTS more
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon Jan 16 18:27:49 MST 1995
Date: Mon, 16 Jan 1995 17:32:38 -0800 (PST)
From: Elizabeth Ribet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: ccoar-new sexual violence list (fwd)

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