Dear Pauline,

I'm responding to your request for women's journals...we're not a print
magazine, but you might be interested to check out the magazine I work for,
"Women's International Net" or "WIN" magazine.  It's a free electronic
monthly that you can have sent to your email box or read on the web, and
contains articles by women all over the world concerning the issues
important to women in their countries.  You can subscribe by sending an
email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] that has the word "subscribe" in the
message part, or you can visit the website at

Any questions, please ask me, I'm at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Best Wishes,

Joy Pincus

Joy Pincus
Promotions Manager,  WIN Magazine

----- Original Message -----
From: lagusta pauline <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Monika Penner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, February 11, 2000 1:17 PM
Subject: Re: journals, etc.

> Hmm...I used to love Ms. but have recenly become a bit annoyed with it.
> I'm not sure why. It seems -- although I don't think this is most likely
> true -- Ms. represents a kind of feminism which I see as diametrically
> opposed to ecofem and which really irks me: the kind which seeks to simply
> replace men with women in positions of power without fundamentally
> changing society at all. Ms. is always championing women who broke through
> the glass celing and are now CEOs or something, but it seems to me we
> should be working to put take power away from corporations, and not put
> ourselves as heads of them.
> Sorry about this meanness, it's been a long week of studying. Anyway, I
> really, really, like Bust magazine. It's aimed at a 20-30s crowd, I guess,
> but I really think it speaks to all women (and my male partner loves it,
> too). it's fun. You can read more about it and subscribe at I
> can't say that they're ecofeminist, but they are really committed, i
> think, to forging a feminism that is inclusive and honest. they have a
> book out too, _the bust guide to the new girl order_. The mag has ads, I
> think, but they're usually not too bad. and I like bust because none of
> the writers get paid -- it's all volunteer, even when semi-famous people
> write articles.
> also, utne reader is always thought-provoking.
> i hope that helps,
> lagusta
> On Thu, 10 Feb 2000, Monika Penner wrote:
> > Hi there. :) I am looking to spend some money on some
> > good quality journals, magazines, etc. (seeing as I am
> > going to be gradding this year, and not likely to
> > spend nearly as much time in the library, although you
> > never know!)
> >
> > I have always found it difficult to find non-offensive
> > stuff... Indeed, much 'anti-capitalist' or 'animal
> > rights' stuff is sexist; feminist magazines/journals
> > might be single issue (looking only at sexism, and not
> > at classism, racism, homophobia, environmental issues,
> > etc.)... and then there is the whole thing of
> > ADVERTISING! I personally cant stand to purchase
> > journals with ads in them (although sometimes this is
> > not possible).
> >
> > Right now I subscribe to Ms. magazine and Off Our
> > Backs. I just picked up a sub to WE (Women and
> > Environment).
> >
> > Can anyone else recommend any other periodicals to me?
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Monika
> >
> > =====
> > Monika Penner
> >
> > homepage:
> > ICQ: 28921068
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