
Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator

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Date: Wed, 09 Feb 2000 13:30:31 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Society for Human Ecology Meeting

Society for Human Ecology
XIth International Conference
Snow King Resort
Jackson Hole, Wyoming, U.S.A.

October 18 - 22, 2000

Democracy and Sustainability:
Adaptive Planning and Management

Ever since Aldo Leopold articulated the ethics of respecting the land as a
community within which we live, and Rachael Carson focused attention on the
deep-reaching effects of human choices, an increasing proportion of mankind
has become aware of the need for human activities to be in harmony with
natural processes.  For a decade and a half, scholars and practitioners from
around the world have been meeting at 18-month intervals in Society for Human
Ecology Conferences to discuss issues in the interactive field of human /
environment interdependence: Human Ecology.  As we begin a new century and
millennium, the pace of human-induced change in the world is accelerating.
But there is a modifying counter-trend in many nations, to include more and
more of the public in environmental and public resource decisions.  Last
year's SHE conference dealt with contributions of interdisciplinary research
to adaptive decision-making.  In October we will build on that discussion of
adaptive planning and management decisions, focusing in on the
interrelationship between democratic institutions and ecosystem

The concerns of Human Ecology are distinctly interdisciplinary and
transnational.  New ideas from one discipline enrich, and are enriched by,
discussions with other disciplines.  In scale, research projects from one
level have quite valuable implications for other levels - regional, national,
international.   SHE-XI will bring together researchers from communities
around the world whose concerns are the enrichment of human well-being and
the concomitant protection of environmental quality.  From local to world
scale, scholars are working on issues such as:

--the relationships between human activities and environmental change;
--the effects of environmental changes on human health and well-being;
n--the dynamics of human adaptation to societal, technological, and
environmental change;
--methods by which environmental planning and decision making can be improved.
Specific sessions at SHE-XI will be organized around the papers, round
tables, and special  sessions submitted.   Sessions at previous SHE
Conferences have included:

--Sustainable Development
--Ecological Transitions
--Design and the Built Environment
--Urban Ecosystems
--Participatory Environmental Decision-Making
--Environmental Policy Analysis
--Quality of Life
--Education of Human Ecologists

The SHE-XI Conference will consist of Symposia, Paper Sessions and Workshops,
Round Table Discussions, and Poster Sessions.  This call invites proposals
for Special Sessions, Symposia, Workshops, and Round Tables immediately.  For
conference planning purposes, the deadline for group proposals is May 15, the
deadline for specific presentation titles and abstracts will be June 30.  If
you plan to attend, organize a session, develop a round table, or organize a
workshop or symposium, please reply at your earliest possible opportunity.

SHE-XI is being held in one of the most beautiful mountain environments in
North America.  We are inviting significant participation from land and
resource managers in the Jackson Hole ecosystem, and hope to be able to offer
local demonstration tours of human / ecosystem problems in environmental and
natural resources management.

 To propose Sessions or submit Titles and
Abstracts, please contact:

Dr. Jonathan G. Taylor,
First Vice President,
Society for Human Ecology
C/O  Social, Economic, and Institutional Analysis Section
4512 McMurry Ave.
Fort Collins, CO.  80525
Phone: [970] 226-9438
FAX:   [970] 226-9230

To be placed on the mailing list, or to
 suggest others who should be notified,
please contact:

Ms Barbara Carter,
Assistant to the Executive Director
Society for Human Ecology
C/O College of the Atlantic
105 Eden St.
Bar Harbor, ME  04609

Phone: [208] 288-5015
FAX: [207] 288-4126
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Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker, Senior Lecturer
Environmental Management & Design Division
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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