
Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator

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Subject: FUNDS: Southwestern Studies at SMU Library
Date: Monday, October 18, 1999 2:55 PM

The Clements-DeGolyer Library Grants

William P. Clements Center For Southwest Studies

Southern Methodist University

The William P. Clements Center for Southwest Studies offers an annual grant
to encourage broader and more intensive use of the special collections at
DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University.  The DeGolyer Library
consists of almost 100,000 titles, 300,000 photographs, and approximately
4,000 linear feet of archival materials pertaining to the trans-Mississippi
West, the Spanish Borderlands, and the history of transportation
(especially railroads).  This collection represents one of the best of its
type in the nation.

Terms of the Award

The Clements-DeGolyer Library Grant is awarded to facilitate scholarly
research on any aspect of the Southwestern experience on an uninterrupted
basis in the DeGolyer Library.

Either a stipend of $400 a week for a maximum of four weeks, or an in-kind
award of up to four weeks' lodging in the Clements Center's campus
apartment, assists in covering the costs of living away from home, travel,
and research materials.

The length of the award will be for a period of one to four weeks.

The stipend is offered independently of salaries and other awards.

Recipients are expected to conduct their research primarily at the

Applicants should live outside the Dallas and Fort Worth metropolitan area,
beyond reasonable commuting distance.

In general stipends are awarded to individuals who have demonstrated in one
manner or another excellent qualifications as revealed primarily through
previous publications (to a degree commensurate with their age, profession,
and experience).

Obligations of the Grant

In accepting an offer, a scholar will assume two obligations:

1)  To consult with DeGolyer Library staff about resources for research in
their area of specialization; to recommend research materials not
represented in the library that would help meet its mission and collection
development policy.

2)  To deliver an informal lecture or seminar talk describing the topic
being researched.

Applications and Deadlines

In preparing an application, individuals should include:

An outline of the project, indicating in particular its pertinence to the
DeGolyer Library and the length of time expected to be spent at the

Curriculum vitae.

Two letters of reference from persons who can assess the significance of
the project and the scholarship record of the applicant.

Deadlines for applications: March 15 and September 15; awards announced
April 1 and October 1.

For further information, please contact:

Jane Elder, Associate Director
Clements Center for Southwest Studies
Southern Methodist University
Dallas, TX  75275-0176
(214) 768-3684
fax:  (214) 768-4129
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Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker
Division of Environmental Management & Design
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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