
Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator

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Date sent:              Wed, 15 Dec 1999 15:59:32 +0000
From:                   ROBERT A POWELL <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                Integration Symposium Announcement
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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At this time, we are pleased to announce a symposium entitled  
"Integration Across Ecological Scales" to be held on February 25,  
2000 on the campus of Texas A & M University in College Station,  
Texas.  This symposium has been developed to offer a one-day   
treatise on ecological integrity, biodiversity, and the processes   
involved in conservation and resource management.  The graduate   
students of the Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, in   
collaboration with graduate students from several other   
departments across campus, developed and organized the   

Theoretical advances, novel applications of existing theory, and 
development of complex models have allowed for scientific  
advance  across a variety of spatial and temporal scales.  At the  
dawn of a  new century, the time is now to pinpoint the state of our
knowledge  about biodiversity and the strategies being utilized to 
protect it.  

Scheduled speakers:  

Reed Noss- Reconciling conservation of species and ecosystems  
Michael Gilpin- Metapopulation dynamics/ PVA of the Black-        
        tailed Prairie Dog  
Joan Roughgarden- Managing ecosystem services  
James H. Brown- The big picture: macroecological and                      
        biogeographic perspectives  
Michael Huston- Trees vs. forests: choosing appropriate scales for 
        testing theories and managing ecosystems  
O. James Reichman- The role of synthesis across ecological and 
        cultural scales  
Gustavo Fonseca- Is large scale conservation possible? Lessons  
        from Brazil  
Jack Ward Thomas- A question of scale- new conservation                   
        approaches in the balance  

Location: Reed Arena Banquet Room (3rd Floor), Texas A & M        

Organizers: Michael I. Goldstein, Daniel H. Kim, and Robert A.    
 Powell, Co-chairs and graduate students, Department of                   
 Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences  


 (see for details concerning program, speakers, location,                 
 directions, etc.)  

Collaborators:  Departments of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences,   
Forest Science, Rangeland Ecology and Management, Recreation, 
Parks, and Tourism Sciences, and Entomology; the Institute for   
Renewable Natural Resources, the Texas Agricultural Extension   
Service, and the Dean's Office for the College of Agriculture and   
Life Sciences  

Registration: Pre-registration is required and due by February 4,   
2000.  The cost of the symposium is FREE!  Use the e-mail   
address to register.  

Thank you,  

Michael I. Goldstein  
Daniel H. Kim  
Robert A. Powell  

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Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker
Division of Environmental Management & Design
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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