Hello ECOFEMers,

I thought you might find this worthwhile.

Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator

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Apologies for cross-postings

>From: The Commonwealth of Learning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: DFID/OneWorld online consultation on Information, Technology and 
>       Knowledge for Development
>Date: Thu, 11 May 2000 13:02:01 -0700
>The Commonwealth of Learning is pleased bring your attention to this
>important online 
>consultation and encourages your participation.  The information contained
>in this e-mail 
>is also available on COL's web site at: <http://www.col.org/DFID_ICTs.htm> 
>The UK Government will publish a White Paper on International Development in
>focusing on the changes resulting from globalisation and the opportunities
>and challenges 
>this presents for faster progress in reducing poverty and promoting
>sustainable development 
>in the poorest countries.
>DFID and OneWorld invite you to participate in an online consultation
>exploring how 
>Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) and Knowledge should be
>into the White Paper.
>The six-week consultation is open to global participation and is starting
>now. DFID particularly 
>encourages participation from developing countries and the moderators are
>welcoming discussion on cases and examples (successes, failures, and
>questions marks). 
>The consultation website is at <http://www.OneWorld.net/consultation/dfid> 
>The e-consultation will bring together NGOs, academics, DFID staff,
>development workers, 
>ICT and knowledge specialists, media and interested members of the public to
>address five 
>key questions (see below). Each topic question is the basis for a separate
>email discussion 
>list. All discussions will be concurrently live throughout the
>e-consultation and moderated by 
>a team from OneWorld. You can join the discussion(s) that most interest you
>now. You can 
>also join and/or view the discussions as they progress (as well as weekly
>highlights and 
>background to the topics) on the website.
>Q1. Is there any evidence of ICTs actually reducing poverty?
>To join this discussion email  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  with the
>word 'subscribe' 
>in the subject line
>Q2. How can the Internet and increased globalisation enhance the value of
>traditional media 
>for development? 
>To join this discussion email  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  with the
>word 'subscribe' 
>in the subject line
>Q3. How can the international community help to harness the power of
>knowledge to meet 
>its development targets? 
>To join this discussion email  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  with the
>word 'subscribe' 
>in the subject line
>Q4. How can e-commerce and other new forms of commercial interaction
>facilitated by 
>ICTs be used to promote sustainable development? 
>To join this discussion email  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  with the
>word 'subscribe' 
>in the subject line
>Q5. What could the UK do to help bridge the digital divide for developing
>To join this discussion email  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  with the
>word 'subscribe' 
>in the subject line
>This is a unique opportunity for you to influence UK and international
>policy and to further 
>the vital debate on emerging technologies and development.
>The Department for International Development (DFID) is the UK's government
>responsible for promoting development and the reduction of poverty.
>OneWorld is an independent non-government organisation network which works
>to harness 
>the democratic potential of the Internet for sustainable development and
>human rights. 
>Please forward to relevant personnel/external parties likely to be
>The Commonwealth of Learning (COL) is pleased to provide this information,
>cannot be held responsible for the results of any action taken because of
>it, nor 
>does The Commonwealth of Learning necessarily endorse any views and opinions
>expressed within the DFID/OneWorld discussions or resulting White Paper.
>COL is an intergovernmental organisation created by Commonwealth Heads 
>of Government to encourage the development and sharing of open learning 
>and distance education knowledge, resources and technologies.
>Dave Wilson
>Communications Manager
>1285 West Broadway, Suite 600
>Vancouver, BC  V6H 3X8
>Main telephone:  +1.604.775.8200
>Fax:  +1.604.775.8210
>WWW: www.col.org 
------- End of forwarded message -------

Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker, Senior Lecturer
Environmental Management & Design Division
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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