
Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator

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Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2000 17:23:12 +0000 (GMT)

Grameen Telecom's Village Phone - Case Study:


We have just released our case study of Grameen Telecom's Village Phone
initiative in Bangladesh:  The case study
contains in-depth analysis of the operation of the Village Phone initiative,
its impact on poverty reduction, the business case for rural
telecommunications in Bangladesh, and analysis of gender contexts and phone
use.  The report also contains an extensive bibliography with hyper-text
links to key documents and reports, including an earlier research report on
the Village Phone initiative by Prof. Abdul Bayes.  The report is
accompanied by on-line video including an interview with Muhammad Yunus,
Managing Director of the Grameen Bank.
This study was commissioned by the Strategic Planning & Policy Division of
the Asia Branch Poverty Reduction Project, Canadian International
Development Agency, as a case study amongst many undertaken as part of the
Asia Branch Poverty Reduction Project, to investigate the impact of the
GrameenPhone and Grameen Telecom provision of micro-credit cellular phone
service on poverty reduction and the socio-economic situation of women
Village Phone operators and users at large.
Grameen Telecom's Village Phone pilot project currently involves 950 Village
Phones providing telephone access to more than 65,000 people. Village women
access micro-credit to acquire digital GSM cellular phones and subsequently
re-sell phone calls and phone services within their villages. Grameen
Telecom staff have announced that when its programme is complete, 40,000
Village Phone operators will be employed for a combined net income of $24
million USD per annum.

Key findings:

1) The Village Phone programme appears to be the best available technical
solution for rural universal access under current regulatory and commercial
circumstances. The Village Phone programme is a technical and organizational
solution to rural telecommunication access partly necessitated by a
regulatory environment that is not conducive to advancing rural
telecommunication infrastructure.

2) The concept of "universal access" is not gender neutral. In the case of
Bangladesh, the gender of the Village Phone operator and the physical
placement of the phone within a gendered village context can either inhibit
or improve women's access to phones. A woman's home provides a space that is
acceptable for other village women to access. From the standpoint of revenue
generation and profitability, it is important to ensure that the Village
Phone is fully accessible to the entire village population: if 50% of the
user base faces obstacles to phone use, then a significant revenue stream is

3) The Village Phone acts as a powerful instrument to reduce the risk
involved in remittance transfers from overseas workers and family members
working in Dhaka City, and to assist villagers in obtaining accurate
information about foreign currency exchange rates. Transferring cash from a
Gulf State to a rural village in Bangladesh is fraught with risks;
remittances are thus a key factor in demand for telephone use.  Reducing the
risk of remittance transfers from overseas workers has important
micro-implications for rural households and villages. At the micro level,
remittances tend to be used for daily household expenses such as food,
clothing and health care. Remittances are thus an important factor in
meeting household subsistence needs, and can make up a significant portion
of household income.  Once subsistence needs are met, remittances tend to be
used for "productive investments," or for savings.

4) Social calls to family and friends frequently involve transfer of
information about market prices, market trends and currency exchange rates,
making the Village Phone an important tool for enabling household
enterprises to take advantage of market information to increase profits and
reduce productive expenses.

5) Rural telephone service in Bangladesh is very profitable and, due to the
existing regulatory environment (lack of interconnection being the biggest
barrier), telecom operators are unable to meet the demand for services.
Telephones in the Grameen Telecom Village Phone programme bring in 3 times
as much revenue as urban cellular phones (an average of $100/month versus
$30/month). One competing telecom operator reports having revenue from
12,000 urban cellular lines equal its revenue from 1,500 rural PCO lines.

6) GSM cell phone technology is a high-cost solution for universal access in
rural areas. Limited cellular coverage of rural areas may only be viable
under the current set of cumbersome regulatory practices - once the
regulatory environment improves, cellular phone technology may not be the
most viable and efficient means of providing universal service. GSM cell
phone technology also places much higher tariffs on rural phone users than
would be the case for wireless local loop (WLL) technologies. Without
regulatory improvements, cellular technology is a practical solution. As
well, cellular phone technology is currently not a viable option for
inexpensive email/Internet/data connectivity. WLL and other options can
provide much better bandwidth and cost of service.

Key replicable elements:

1) The Grameen Telecom experience in business planning leads us to suggest
one potential solution for attracting telecom operators to serve rural
areas: target un-served and under-served regions and provide support for
acquisition of quality market appraisal knowledge and market data through
market research in the field. Market research will help to prove the
business case, attract investment capital, and reduce the effort required by
investors and operators.

2) The Grameen Telecom experience points to a potential solution for telecom
operators facing the significant challenge of managing the last mile of
rural telecom operations: link existing and successful micro-credit
organizations with telecom operators (fixed line and/or wireless) to expand
public call office (PCO) coverage in rural areas. Small loans to rural
entrepreneurs (perhaps targeted to women and youth) can enable entrepreneurs
to establish PCOs and provide a range of services including telephone, fax,
email and even web, photocopying and computer word-processing services. A
franchise programme of this sort would also establish consistency of service
across a region that would, in turn, support local social and economic

Don Richardson
TeleCommons Development Group
512 Woolwich St., Suite 200
Guelph, Ontario, Canada   N1H 3X7
Tel: 519-821-5787 x 241    Fax: 519-821-4868

Shakti-L, the women of colour discussion list
A Shakti (Women of Colour Collective) project

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Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker, Senior Lecturer
Environmental Management & Design Division
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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