
Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator

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From: David Johnson

Subject: Seventeenth International Social Philosophy Conference: call for papers and 
general cultural notes

Seventeenth International Social Philosophy Conference: Call For Papers

The conference will be held July 20 - 23, 2000. The conference theme is
Communication, Conflict, and Reconciliation.  Call for Abstracts: We
encourage contributors to submit proposals for presentations which focus
on the theme of this conference, but we also welcome proposals in all
areas of social philosophy. Please submit two copies of a 300 - 500 word
abstract of your proposal to: David Johnson, Department of Philosophy,
Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, 375 Church Street, North Adams, MA
01247. Phone: 413 -662 -5448. Email:[EMAIL PROTECTED] The deadline
for submissions is April 1, 2000. Outside the U. S. and Canada, January
14.  Local Arrangements:  The conference will be co-hosted by the
Communication Studies Program (Wilfrid Laurier University) and the
Philosophy Department (University of Waterloo) in Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada. For information contact Jan Narveson, Philosophy Department,
University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3G1. E-mail:

General notes: The area around Waterloo is of sufficient cultural interest
in the summertime that members might want to consider driving up with
their families. Very good motel/hotel accommodation is available at about
$50-$80 U.S. per night for couples or families. Country B&B type
accommodation is also possible for those with cars.
We will spoon produce a list for this purpose.

Plays at the STRATFORD FESTIVAL going on during the Conference: (1/2 hour
drive from Waterloo; other means of transport than private car are
impractical; there are ample car-rental facilities in the community; also
car-sharing should be easy enough to arrange.):

General note: Stratford has three different stages. One is a Shakespearean
type thrust-stage; one is a conventional proscenium stage; and the third
is somewhere in between but is more like a thrust-stage. The Festival
Theatre (F) is the thrust stage; the Avon (A) is the proscenium, and the
Tom Patterson Theatre (P) is the "third" stage.

Thursday, 20th:
2:00 matinee, Diary of Anne Frank [by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett,
newly adapted by Wendy Kesselman]  A
8:00  Fiddler on the Roof  F
8:00  The Importance of being Earnest  A
8:00  Shakespeare: Titus Andronicus  P

Friday, 21st:
2:00 Patience (Gilbert & Sullivan)  A
2:00 Collected Stories of Donald Margulis  P
 8:00 Fiddler  F
8:00 Diary of Anne Frank  A
 8:00 Medea (freely adapted from the Euripides text by Robinson Jeffers)

Saturday, 22nd:
2:00 Three Musketeers  F
2:00 As You Like it  A
2:00 Elizabeth Rex  P
8:00 Fiddler on the Roof  F
8:00 The Importance of being Earnest  A
8:00 Shakespeare: Titus Andronicus   P

Sunday, 23rd:
2:00 Hamlet  F
2:00 Anne Frank  A
2:00 Medea  P

The Stratford Festival box office and information number is 1-800-567-1600
Website:  Prices range from a low of about
$22.50 to a high of $72.50 Canadian. If exchange rates continue present
trends, that range in $U.S. is about$15-$49. Stratford productions are
famous, and theatergoers can expect good value.

In addition: On Saturday, 22nd, following the Conference banquet, a
concert of chamber music (TBA) at the large living room/mini-concert hall
in Jan Narveson's home.  Assume a ticket price of $10-$15 U.S. for this.

In the near area (at Elora, about 15 miles from Waterloo) the Elora
Festival will be in progress. Nothing is as yet known about precise
offerings. Elora events are not usually sold out by concert time, making
last-minute attendance feasible. The organizers will update information
about this in the spring.  In the farther area, there are various
activities in TORONTO (a little over one hour's drive), and at the SHAW
FESTIVAL (about 1- 1/2 hr). Web research into both is easy.
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Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker, Senior Lecturer
Environmental Management & Design Division
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker, Senior Lecturer
Environmental Management & Design Division
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Fax: 64-03-325-3841

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