Stefanie Rixecker
ECOFEM Coordinator

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Date sent:              Sun, 10 Nov 2002 11:23:32 -0700
From:                   Judith L Poxon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:                MIT job search
To:                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Send reply to:          Society for Women in Philosophy Information and Discussion List

From: Sally Haslanger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Hi all:
I'm chairing MIT's junior search in philosophy (AOS: ethics,
social/political, epistemology, or phil science) and we're very keen
to attract women and minority candidates.  If you know of anyone who
might be interested in the job (the ad is included below), could you
encourage them to apply?  NOTE: the deadline is coming up soon
(11/15/02).  I'll do everything I can to be sure that all applicants
are considered fairly.  Thanks for your help.
all best, Sally

The MIT Department of Linguistics and Philosophy expects to make an
appointment, effective September 1, 2003, for which the following
advertisement has appeared in Jobs in Philosophers:

position, effective September, 2003. AOS: Ethics, social/political
philosophy, epistemology or philosophy of science.  AOC: Open. Rank:
Assistant professor. 4 courses/year, graduate and undergraduate,
semester system. Applicants should submit CV, three confidential
letters of reference, and a sample of written work in area of
specialization. Application must be accompanied by a stamped,
self-addressed postcard, which will be returned on receipt of the
application. All materials should be sent to: Chair, Philosophy
Search Committee, Department of Linguistics and Philosophy,
MIT/E39-245, 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Cambridge, MA 02139, Deadline:
November 15, 2002.  Women and members of under-represented minorities
are especially encouraged to apply.  MIT is an Equal Opportunity

Sally Haslanger
Department of Linguistics and Philosophy              ph: (617)253-4458
MIT, E39-245                                    dept. ph: (617)253-4141
77 Massachusetts Ave.                                fax: (617)253-5017
Cambridge, MA  02139                            email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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Dr. Stefanie S. Rixecker, Director
Environment, Society and Design Division
Lincoln University, Canterbury
PO Box 84
Aotearoa New Zealand
Ph: 03-325-2811, x8643

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