I've felt an increasingly urgent need over the past two months to put a 
LOT of time into inner space work regarding the kinds of things which 
we've talked about.

The only discretionary time I have is that which I spend with my
much-loved discussion groups (this means *you*), and so I'm going to
enlist you all in helping me to accomplish what I urgently need to do and
still have what I want! ;-)

What I'd like to ask you to do is this:  Whenever you run across a piece
of political news or environomental trouble or profound insight that
shakes your tree, or something REALLY funny, please forward it to me at: 


If it's trouble, or an opportunity for healing, I'll work on both inner 
and outer planes for a good resolution; if it's an insight or a great funny, 
you can bet I'll savor it for all it's worth.

I'm planning on staying in touch with all the friends I've made on 
cyberspace, but as individuals rather than as part of a group.  

I can't find the words which would adequately express how much you all have 
affected me; just know that you are all in my heart and in my thoughts, 
and I'm looking forward to hearing from you periodically.

With gratitude!


Faith Freewoman

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