Here's another forwarded conference announcement.  Again, sorry about 
any cross-posts.  Stefanie

 Centre for Women's Studies and Feminist Research
      The University of Western Ontario


           K   N   O   W   I   N   G
               P O L I T I C S
Between Feminist Theory and Feminist Activism

            October 27 - 30, 1994
           London Convention Centre
   300 York Street, London, Ontario, Canada

        Registration fee:   employed...$50
    unemployed, underemployed, student...$20

Speakers include:
Lorraine Code (York), Margaret Conkey (Berkley), Maria Lugones
(SUNY Binghamton), Kathleen Mahoney (Calgary), Sheila McIntyre
(Queens), Patricia Monture-OKanee (Saskatchewan), Glenda Simms
(President,Canadian Advisory Council on the Status of Women),
Ruth Tringham (Berkley), Aritha van Herk (Calgary)

For information please contact
Centre for Women's Studies and Feminist Research
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada   N6A 3K7
Tel:  519-661-3759, Fax:  519-661-3491

                   Registration Form

KNOWING POLITICS:  Between Feminist Theory and
                   Feminist Activism
                   October 27-30, 1994
                   London, Ontario, Canada

Please duplicate for additional registrations.

_________________     ___________________________________________
Name                  Daytime Telephone/E-Mail Address/Fax Number

_________________     ___________________________________________
Organization          Street Address

__________________    _________________     __________________
City                  Province              Postal Code

FEES   (Canadian $)
__    I enclose $50 for registration fee
__    I enclose $20 for registration fee for unemployed,
       underemployed, student
__    I enclose $10 for the October 28 lunch
__    I enclose $15 for the October 28 buffet supper
__    I enclose $10 for the October 29 lunch
__    I enclose $25 for the October 29 dinner
__    Vegetarian Preferred

TOTAL ENCLOSED  (make cheque or money order payable
$_______         to the Centre  for Women's Studies)

Return to:
"Knowing Politics"
Centre for Women's Studies and Feminist Research
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario   N6A 3K7

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