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How to Eliminate Petroleum Pollution from Soil & Water
With Inexpensive Bacteria and Nutrient Mixes
Address:  http://tigger.jvnc.net/~levins/microbes.html

Bioremediation is the process of using hydrocarbon-oxidizing bacteria to
break down the chemical structure of petroleum compounds into less complex,
fertilizer-like substances that are not hazardous or regulated.

Since the late 1980s when it was recognized by the U.S. EPA as a viable
petroleum clean-up method, bioremediation has grown into a major segment of
the American environmental remediation industry. However, the contrators who
provide such services have been unusually secretive about the actual
bioremediation materials and methods they use to treat contaminated soil and

This new World-Wide Web site provides comprehensive background data about
these state-of-the-art petroleum hydrocarbon bioremediation techniques.

Entitled "BIOREMEDIATION: A Layman's Guide to Techniques and Materials," the
extensive reference resource provides practical, "hands on" information for
persons who need to understand the process of bioremediation to better
manage outside contractors performing such work, or who want to undertake
their own bioremediation projects in accordance with currently accepted
scientific standards.

In a step-by-step fashion, the illustrated web feature explains how
bioremediation is used to degrade petroleum pollution from soils and water.
Soil sections include explanations of large-scale soil cleanups such as
those encountered in the vicinity of industrial facilities, small-scale
cleanups such as the contaminated piles generated at tank removal sites, and
the beach and coastal area cleanups required immediately after waterborne
spills wash ashore. Water sections include dealing with oil slicks on open
water as well as the remediation of petroleum-polluted water found in
industrial retaining ponds and other concrete containments.

Soil sections emphasize "land farming" techniques that involve excavating,
spreading and treating polluted soils in a shallow, 18-inch layer on flat
ground. One particularly useful section explains the "staged pile" land
farming method that allows contaminated soil to be piled as high as six feet
deep and still be successfully bioremediated. 

The methods covered degrade a broad range of hydrocarbon substances in
periods of time ranging from 90 to 150 days. The actual rate of degradation
depends on the nature of the project. One case details an Exxon
bioremediation soil site where land farming techniques lowered a contaminant
base of deisel fuel and mixed oil from 75,000 ppm to 10,000 ppm in 150
days--10,000 ppm was the theshold needed to meet site closure requirements.
In another case, soil at a commercial property repossessed by a bank was
treated and its TPH reduced from 500+ ppm to 17 ppm in 65 days.

Hoag Levins

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