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>Dear Colleague:
>Please find attached the Call for Papers for the upcoming special issue
>of _Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society_ on Feminisms and
>Youth Cultures.
>If you would like more information, please forward your mailing address
>to me at: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and I will put you on our mailing
>Gitana Garofalo
>Program Assistant, SIGNS
>Call for Papers
>SIGNS Special Issue: Feminisms and Youth Cultures
>What is the relationship between feminism and the popular culture
>being produced and negotiated by youth in various national contexts? What
>can we learn about the shifting meanings of feminism by examining youth
>culture(s)? The virtual invisibility of the voices and concerns of
>adolescents and young adults in academic and popular debates is striking
>when contrasted with the hypervisibility of youth in transnational popular
>cultural production (comics, zines, music videos, films). The lack of
>attention given to challenges facing youth and the agency of young people,
>whether or not they self-identify as feminists, is the impetus for this
>special issue. An expansive discussion of youth culture would include an
>examination of young people and their cultural productions from a wide
>range of racial, ethnic, and national origins. Discussions of youth
>culture could include but are not limited to those who occupy such
>positions as immigrant, lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgendered,
>entrepreneurs/self-employed, impoverished, sex workers, religious
>minority, physically challenged, and homeless.
>special issue on Feminisms and Youth Cultures slated for publication
>in spring 1998. For the purpose of this special issue, "youth" indicates
>persons ages thirteen to thirty, in contemporary or historical cultures.
>The editors welcome submissions that are (1) based on independent or
>collaborative research conducted by, about, and/or within youth
>communities, and (2) textual analyses (widely defined) of popular culture
>produced by youth. This special issue might include articles that address
>such relevant youth-culture topics as the incorporation/reinscription/
>resistance of/to dominant ideologies and institutions; varying meanings
>and functions of feminisms; expressions of consciousness inflected by
>race, class, gender, nationality, sexuality, and religious training in
>popular culture; strategies employed to transform traditional
>organizations; issues of health/health care; and sexual autonomy and
>The special issue editors will include Professors France Winddance Twine
>(University of Washington), Angela McRobbie (University of Loughborough,
>UK), Kum-Kum Bhavnani (University of California at Santa Barbara) and
>Kathryn R. Kent (Arizona State University). Please submit articles (five
>copies) no later than January 31, 1997, to SIGNS, Feminisms and Youth
>Cultures, Box 354345, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-4345.
>Please observe the guidelines in the "Notice to Contributors" printed in
>the most recent issue of the journal. The call for papers is also
>available in Spanish and French.

Stefanie S. Rixecker
Department of Resource Management
Lincoln University, Canterbury
Aotearoa New Zealand

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